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Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 2

The IT sector in Japan continues to expand, however, as Japan’s shrinking population makes it harder for employers to fill posts, more of them are opening their positions to foreigners. Also, many foreigners are thrilled to improve their careers in Japan, but what motivates foreigners to work in Japan?We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about their reasons for the decision to work in the land of the rising sun and what found attractive on a job when chinging jobs in Japan. We will also share with you the current salary trend for IT engineers.Reasons to Work in JapanJapan is often said to be one of the most highly developed and technologically advanced nations in the world. Japan offers advanced technology in its major metropolises and beautiful landscapes that you can find just an hour away by train from Tokyo. We asked 100 foreign IT engineers their reasons to choose Japan as a work destination.Future Career AdvancementJapan offers exceptional opportunities to grow both technical and non-technical skills by working with high-end technology, along with talented engineers from around the world. Japan continues to lead the world in science and engineering, but due to the shortage of domestic IT-skilled talent and an increasing need for organizations to look overseas to fill the talent gap more companies are hiring top talent from around the globe. Many companies in Japan encourage working with the latest technology and tools to improve the technical skills of their engineers. As for non-technical skills, you will be encouraged to improve your planning, process, and eye for detail skills.Interest in Japanese CultureMany foreigners emphasize Japanese politeness. People in Japan tend to go out of their way to be helpful to others, the care put in interactions with others is one of the highlights of Japanese culture, and this translates in the workplace as people making an effort to be pleasant and non-confrontational. Apart from this, the food, the people, the architecture and the “kawaii” culture seem to be quite attractive for foreigners.Japan is Safe and Has a Good Living EnvironmentJapan is known for its relative safety with low crime levels, and Japanese cities are often globally ranked as the safest cities to live in. Japan puts a strong focus on crime prevention, making it less common to commit violent crimes. Violent crime in Japan is almost non-existent as the nation and its population value peace and prosperity over minor inconveniences or trifles that may lead to conflict.What is Attractive When Changing Jobs in Japan?In today’s highly competitive hiring landscape in Japan, IT engineers have endless work opportunities to choose from. Engineers are entering an expanding job market, which leads to more open jobs than skilled workers to fill them, that leaves employers at a disadvantage. So what exactly are foreign IT engineers putting weight on when choosing a job opportunity?Able to Use Their Experience and SkillsMany foreigners consider that being able to transfer their skills and abilities gained from previous working experiences and use them in their future career is the main reason for them to choose a new job opportunity. Being able to transfer their skills to new positions will help them go beyond their job description.The Job They Want to DoIT engineers who quickly learn new skills and gain experience from various places and situations may want to take it to the next step, maybe by applying for a manager position or just a position that allows them to thrive in their desired industry.Good SalaryA competitive salary is a key piece of talent attraction. Job seekers want to be paid their worth and to be compensated for the expertise and IT skills they bring to the table. Especially, in a competitive job market as it is Japan’s IT Industry. Check out our salary guide for up-to-date 2020 salary data found below that’ll help you stay competitive.Current Salary Trend of IT Engineers- November 2020This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers shared their current annual salary. From the pie chart, it is clear that the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 42.7%, are below 4 million yen. Following the 29.2% earning more than 4 million and less than 6 million yen. 16.7% earns more than 6 million and less than 8 million yen and in the smaller group, only 11.5% earns more than 8 million yen.ConclusionIn conclusion, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers found many attractive points about living in Japan. And while the salary is not as high compared to other countries, Japan offers a lot of other perks that make the country attractive to foreigners who seek job opportunities abroad.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.

Career Development

The Value of IT Engineers for Online Streaming Services

Video streaming has become part of everyone’s daily activities ever since the start of Youtube. The development of mobile devices has made video content more accessible to people, whether on a long bus ride home or while waiting in a coffee shop. By 2021, an average person is expected to spend 100 minutes a day watching online videos.Nowadays, several streaming platforms are available in every country. With the recent pandemic, online streaming consumption worldwide increased while Netflix became the top streaming platform.In Japan, most people still prefer to watch movies and shows on TV. However, the younger generation has become heavy users of online streaming platforms for its convenience. Part of its appeal is the convenient access to these streaming sites and other forms of entertainment in one device. But this type of service wouldn’t be possible without the work of IT engineers.IT Engineers in Video Streaming App DevelopmentThe influx of viewers on these video streaming platforms causes servers to shut down. It’s an IT engineer’s task to fix this and other similar issues to keep viewers entertained while staying at home during the pandemic. Their job also includes the maintenance and development of more features that would best fit any device used for this service.Building a Video Streaming PlatformsIT engineers have to be versatile in this field of work. Not only do they handle several data, but they also are working on different specializations of IT work. If you are looking forward to working in Japan’s video streaming market, you have to know the necessary tools and information to develop online video streaming platforms.Machine Learning AlgorithmsAlgorithms are necessary for any streaming services. It helps recommend to users a selection of movies they might want to watch based on their viewing history or analyze a user’s rating to improve the platform. Therefore, IT engineers must be equipped with knowledge in machine learning algorithms to provide the best user experience.Cloud hostingIT engineers working on a video streaming service handle several types of data and video content. Keeping the servers running is an integral part of the work. Instead of using a single server, companies prefer cloud hosting platforms to balance the load. If one server fails, another server kicks in and keeps your video streaming service running.Moreover, cloud hosting platforms allow quick access to video content, and it’s easy to increase their space. They are also a cheaper option compared to purchasing hard drives. Therefore, IT engineers must be familiar with several cloud hosting platforms to provide clients the best options for their video streaming service.Computing ArchitectureDeveloping a video streaming platform requires a complex architecture. A cloud architect is responsible for designing the features necessary in an online video streaming platform, such as the search engine, recommendation system, caching architecture, and A\B testing, with cloud computing.Network ConnectionDepending on the project’s scale, video streaming services must be integrated into a content delivery network (CDN) to handle significant traffic. CDNs serve a large portion of the internet today, including graphics, scripts, downloadable media files, software, live streaming media, and on-demand streaming media. An IT engineer must know the content delivery techniques needed to be applied in the service.SecurityCustomers have to input sensitive information like credit details in a subscription-based video streaming platform. IT engineers must have vast knowledge in cybersecurity to prevent these important data from being accessed by anyone.Also, the security of the video streaming service includes the monitoring of server failure. IT engineers will have to develop safety precautions in accessing accounts on different devices. They also deal with domain restrictions and watermarking for extra live stream security.Other SkillsIT engineers must be equipped with the necessary programming languages, primarily PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript. They should have experience in web or mobile application development, basic TCP/IP knowledge, and be capable of handling network and server designing. Experience in live streaming protocols such as RTSP, RTMP, WebRTC, HLS will give you an edge in the industry.Development ProcessIT teams work together for more than 300 hours, depending on how big the video streaming service is. They have to work on several functions and designs to provide customers the best user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks of each stage in the development process. User RegistrationIt takes about 32 hours to work on the registration feature in a video streaming platform. The task includes testing of the email confirmation and addition of login options. User ProfileThis part of the process takes a shorter time. In 16 hours, engineers brainstorm and apply the account’s functions and personalization, such as editing names, uploading photos, and showing a user’s preferred genre, actors, and movies. Subscription and Payment GatewayIn this part of the development process, the team and the client will choose the best monetization model, whether as pay-per-view, advertising, or subscription, and preferred payment method for the video service. The application of the subscription and payment gateway features takes 80 hours to accomplish. Notifications, Content Search, and Reviews and RatingsPush notifications remind users of the new movie or series available and advise them of subscription notices and options. Moreover, the search bar needs to provide several options, such as genre, ratings, and more, to provide the best video content selection. The application of these features will take 88 hours of the team’s time. DesignThis part of the process is the most demanding of all. IT engineers must produce the best layout to provide a seamless user interface to all types of devices. The whole process could take 100 hours or more since it involves several confirmations from the team and the client.ConclusionThe market size of Japan’s paid streaming services reached 277 billion yen in 2019. With the recent pandemic, video consumption is set to increase as people spend more hours on their mobile devices and computers. The doubling of the market size from 2015 to 2019 shows that Japanese consumers are embracing this new form of entertainment.As more subscribe to video streaming platforms, the need for better content and features in these services arise. Therefore, it is expected that the need for IT engineers will increase in the industry, opening several opportunities for foreign IT engineers to fill.Sources:

Career Development

5G and Its Impact on the IT Industry in Japan

The release of 4G LTE in 2009 surprised many mobile phone users and several industries in the world for its faster speeds and low latencies. With the rise of multiple innovations in the tech industry, connectivity has become an integral element to take us a step further into realizing a more digitized, safe, and comfortable environment.5G promises speeds 600 times faster than 4G to cope with next-generation technologies. It could put mobile internet on par with Google Fiber’s standard home broadband service. No wonder 5G has become the ultimate buzzword in the tech industry! But internet speed aside, how important is 5G to the world?5G and TechnologyThe success of businesses in the future depends on their ability to do operations remotely and automatically. The lower latency and faster data transfer provided by 5G could boost and enhance the production of autonomous devices and other tech initiatives. Here are some of the advantages that 5G provides.Autonomous CarsAutomotive companies are taking significant steps to reduce the number of vehicle crashes recorded daily. With the application of several technologies, companies have rolled out and reinvented autonomous vehicles.The vehicle-to-vehicle communications enable cars to exchange location, speed, and destination data for alerting you and other drivers of the possible road conditions, reducing the probability of collisions. With 5G, data transfers can be done in real-time, allowing for a safer commute.Gaming5G promotes a better gaming experience for everyone in the world. The promise of lower latency is what every gamer has been longing for, banishing the dreaded “lag.” The response time is whittled down to a couple of milliseconds, providing a real-time virtual gaming experience.Nowadays, players usually insert disks to gaming consoles or download games on PCs and mobile devices before getting the game started. 5G opens the possibilities for cloud gaming, which allows users to access their games anytime, anywhere! Moreover, mobile gaming is also set to increase in light of 5G.Medical AdvancementsThe healthcare industry continues to reinvent and produce new methods for several medical operations. Thus, 5G opens opportunities for AI diagnostics and robotic surgeries, which brings medical care closer to those who need it immediately, such as the elderly and differently-abled.The possibility of remote surgeries and remote vital signs checking may be closer to reality with the fast data transfer brought by 5G.Evolution of IoTNearly all IoT devices will benefit significantly from 5G. From smart-locking doors to alarm systems, the application of 5G can enhance each of their services. IoT devices, such as doorbell cameras and fitness trackers, will be able to transmit data within milliseconds.5G in JapanJapan recently rolled out 5G for commercial use. As expected, smartphone manufacturers have been releasing one 5G-capable device after another. The tech industry in Japan is looking forward to applying 5G in machines, robots, vehicles, and especially in the manufacturing industry to fill in the country’s workforce.Though some mobile devices support the technology, there are only limited locations that provide 5G networks. Therefore, telecommunication companies are expected to invest in their infrastructure to expand and apply their service in telemedicine and other automation initiatives. The installation and maintenance of 5G devices will require the support of many IT experts.IT Careers5G is more than just mobile phones. It opens a lot of opportunities for innovation concerning automation and communication. With the release of 5G, IT companies are expected to level up their services, which requires the following IT job titles.Network EngineersThe application of 5G to enterprise networks and cloud services could create gaps in network security, which network engineers control. They will also oversee several network changes, such as installing new equipment to apply the 5G network and developing a wireless LAN necessary for building a 5G environment in the workplace.Moreover, the complexity of 5G deployments will require network engineers to focus on software and microservices, such as software-defined networking for routing and switching, software-defined radio access networks for mobile and handset connectivity, automation, and network function virtualization for firewalls and load balancing.AI EngineersWith the rapid changes in the 5G network topology in response to the changes in traffic, mobile network operators will require an intelligent and automated approach to make their network efficient. Thus, mobile network operators are expected to incorporate AI into their networks, which will require AI engineers’ expertise.IoT EngineersWith the fast development of 5G devices in Japan, IoT engineers are needed more than ever. The introduction of 5G poses several challenges in the deployment of integrated sensors, algorithms, and system designs. It is the role of IoT engineers to apply, maintain, and monitor these efforts to ensure the quality of services provided by IoT devices.Programming LanguagesSince the rollout of 5G, there has been a shift in the priority of programming languages in the world, especially in Japan. Here are some of the newest and oldest programming languages for the development of 5G technologies.Go LangGoogle developed this programming language as an alternative to C++ and Java with memory safety, garbage collection, and structural typing. Though it first appeared in 2009, its stable release was in September 2020.IT engineers are expected to process large volumes of data with the release of 5G. Go Lang is considered one of the best programming languages to work with Big Data and Parallel Processing Applications. Its execution speed is the fastest among other programming languages available. Moreover, several machine learning frameworks can be integrated with Go Lang.LispLisp is the oldest programming language used in AI development today. Though many chose Python in this field, Lisp is mostly preferred by IT engineers for logic-based AI projects. They favored its Read-Eval-Print Loop for easy interactive programming.Lisp also comes with a good environment setup like debugging, incremental compilers, and more. Furthermore, the programming language supports symbolic programming.PythonPython is among the recommended IoT programming languages for its flexible and uncomplicated language. It is the practical choice of data-intensive applications and AI development. Moreover, Python has rich features and extensive library and community support.Conclusion5G opens several opportunities that could help ease the everyday lives of people worldwide. Though the application of 5G has not been fully actualized in Japan yet, the technology is bound to ease data communication and transform entertainment and medical care in the future. However, these changes will not happen overnight. It requires the expertise of several IT professionals in the field of IoT, AI, and telecommunications.Sources:,%E3%81%A7%E3%81%8D%E3%82%8B%E3%81%A8%E3%81%84%E3%82%8F%E3%82%8C%E3%81%A6%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%80%82


Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with 50,000 yen Amazon Gift Card !

Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with Amazon Gift Card 50,000 yen!Please refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!If your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!Available conditionsYour friends and acquaintances who meet the following conditions are available!Foreigners living in Japan.Those who can speak Japanese(More than JLPT N3 level).IT Engineer and Those who studied programming at universitiesPlease refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!※Those who have already registered with G Talent are not eligible.IncentiveIf your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive a 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!You will get an email with Amazon gift card within one week from the day one month has passed since the friend who joined the new job.Campaign DeadlineRegistration by June 30, 2020*You can get the incentive even if the friend who you refer to us change job after the deadline.EntryPlease register below!Refer-a-Friend Incentive Campaign Entry FormPlease let your friend who you refer to us know in advance that he/she will be contacted by G Talent.We look forward to introducing your friends!


The Space Business Industry and Current Situation

There has been a lot of business news about space lately.IHI has developed an engine for a small artificial satellite at a third of its original price; Amazon is planning to launch 3,000 satellites; SpaceX is planning to launch more than 10,000 satellites, and so on. Major companies and venture capitalists from the United States, China, and other countries around the world have entered the space business and are investing heavily in it, making it more exciting than ever.In this article, we will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the current state of the global space industry and its various fields for those who are new to the industry. The article is also available in Japanese: 宇宙ビジネス業界の現状をわかりやすく解説!.The Space Business FieldWhen you think of the space business, rockets are probably the first thing that comes to mind. However, the space business actually includes a wide range of fields other than rockets.What is space business?The business of launching and operating satellites and utilizing data for commercial purposes in space. The space business is a general term for businesses related to space, including companies that provide services such as satellite broadcasting, communications, and satellite data utilization for commercial purposes, as well as the space industry related to infrastructure, such as the manufacture of rockets and satellite equipment and facilities for the military, which is supported by government demand.Reference:Kotobank / What is the Space Business?In addition to rockets, the space business encompasses many other areas, including using satellite data to improve services on the ground. Also, the space business has been especially booming in recent years.Next, I’d like to explain why this industry is now so active.Why is the Space Business so popular right now?On May 30 (local time), the spacecraft “Crew Dragon” of the U.S. SpaceX was successfully launched and docked to the space station on May 31.You can watch the whole process from launch to docking on YouTube and other sites, but watching the touch screen installed in the Crew Dragon’s cabin and the two astronauts changing from their spacesuits to polo shirts and chinos along the way, it seemed like the threshold for space travel had been lowered.Reference: WEDGEInfinity / Why is the Space Business so popular right now?Compared to a few years ago, space has become more accessible, with private companies being able to successfully launch manned rockets into space.With the announcement by the U.S. company Amazon plans to launch 3,000 satellites for communications services and SpaceX plans to launch more than 10,000 satellites for communications as well, companies from other countries are expected to join the rush of launches by these two major companies.In addition to the growing demand for small satellites for sensing from space, the cost of launching small rockets, which have a shorter lifespan than conventional rockets, has decreased and the frequency of launches has increased, which is one of the major factors boosting the space business.However, various problems have arisen in this business.For example, how to collect Space Debris?(Garbage generated by used satellites and collisions between satellites)Businesses related to space debris are also receiving a great deal of attention, with a number of leading ventures recently emerging to solve this problem.In the next section, I would like to categorize the space business and explain each category in detail.Classification of the Space BusinessIn this explanation, we have divided the space business industry into three categories.Three categories of Space BusinessManufacturing & InfrastructureSpace UtilizationSpace ResearchI’d like to explain each of these with an industry map.Manufacturing & InfrastructureManufacturing FieldThis field manufactures rockets, satellites and ground stations. The field of manufacturing of small rockets and small satellites has been attracting a lot of investment recently.Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is the invisible backbone of services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure is an area that will become increasingly important in the future for convenience, services, and national security and defense. Space UtilizationThe utilization of space can be divided into two categories: the use of satellites and the use of space.Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites refers to the use of satellites to study location information and climate change. In other words, satellites at this time are used to improve services on earth.Use of SpaceAs the name implies, the use of space represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, it means storing energy in an environment that cannot exist on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather. Space ResearchThe goal of this field is to help humans enter space.There are two main types of space exploration: manned space exploration, in which humans board rockets and other vehicles to explore space, and unmanned space exploration, in which only a spacecraft goes into space without a human presence.Unlike manufacturing/infrastructure and space utilization, this is an area of space business where the goal is not to improve services on Earth, but to expand the scope of activities into space. ConclusionIn this article, we have introduced the concept of the space business and its constituent fields. In the next article, we would like to give you detailed information about each field and introduce you to some representative companies in each area.If you are a foreign engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with G Talent , the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job in the Japanese Space Business for free.


Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol.1

The IT sector in Japan continues to expand, however, it is still predicted that in the year 2030, there will be a shortage of IT engineers with 420,000 to 790,000. Recently, the number of companies which recruit foreign IT engineers is increasing. In a competitive situation, they strive to hire talented engineers. But, how is it like to work as an IT engineer in Japan?We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about their experience, their main concerns, what makes them feel supported by their employers, and what kind of companies they want to work for.Main ConcernsYour first job as an IT engineer in Japan starts off exciting. Maybe working in Japan was your dream, but after a few weeks, the downsides of the job start getting to you. GTalent conducted a survey and realized that foreigners found negative aspects of working in Japan that made them consider changing jobs. The most reoccurring ones are shown in the chart below:Career Path is UnclearThis was the most common concern among IT engineers who are currently working in Japan. This makes them feel unsure about where they are going in life and it’s difficult to set meaningful work goals, also, it is easy to become demotivated and disinterested in the job. By changing jobs to a company that supports your career, you will be able to find motivation and be eager to add value to the company.Training and Education System is not SubstantialThe importance of adequate employee training can severely impact team morale. Strong development and career progression opportunities are considered among the most compelling and yet, seems to be a common concern for IT engineers in Japan who want to work with the latest technology.The lack of training of IT engineers might lead to poor job performance and increased levels of work-related stress.Can’t Get Rewards According to their Abilities and EvaluationA feature of the Japanese pay system is that many companies employ on a “seniority-based system,” whereby salaries are increased in nearly direct proportion to age and the years of service. While this evaluation system has been changing over the years in many Japanese companies, some IT engineers in Japan still face this problem, where their age sometimes plays an important role in salary increases.What Makes Them Be Satisfied with Their Workplace?Many companies in Japan want to leverage their foreign employees’ strengths and use their unique perspectives as an advantage. It’s good to keep in mind the positive aspects that motivate foreign employees.Use of Japanese Language in the WorkplaceMany foreigners with Japanese skills prefer to work in a full Japanese environment to improve their language skills. This seems to be an important factor to those who wish to fully immerse in Japanese culture.A Full Implemented System for Accepting ForeignersMany foreigners prefer to work in an inclusive company, in which Japanese and foreign staff can work in a comfortable environment. This also means that companies need better systems and programs to help foreign workers learn the Japanese language and integrate different cultures into the company smoothly.Support from their SurroundingsCreating relations that go beyond the working environment is fundamental for many IT engineers in Japan. Of course, communication can be hard, especially at the beginning, since you might not be able to speak Japanese, that’s why many foreigners appreciate the support from their colleagues and bosses.What is the Most Important Factor for Different Cultures?We separated our candidates into 4 main areas: Western World, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia.Western WorldWestern Candidates stated that 3 factors were equally important. Comparing with other cultures western candidates emphasized the importance of Work-life Balance.South AsiaFor South Asian cultures, many candidates considered important the relationship with their colleagues and bosses. It seems that mutual support in the working environment is highly appreciated. oSoutheast AsiaSoutheast Asians made emphasis on wanting to work while using their Japanese language skills. The opportunity to get to blend with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture through the language is an important reason for choosing a company.East AsiaEast Asian IT engineers are also looking for a Japanese working environment where they can make use of their Japanese language skills. While they also aim to work on a company that has implemented a system for hiring foreigners, they as well want to work with the best talent. Working with skilled engineers who are experts at their job improves business productivity, which leads to improving workplace relations, as they will be able to get on with the job and work harmoniously with their colleagues.What Do Japanese Companies Should Do in Order for Foreigners to Play an Active Role?IT engineers from different cultures agreed that Japanese companies should be more open to the international community and take the initiative to promote diversity in the workplace. In addition, they should adjust the work-styles to more flexible ones and improve the Work-life balance.As we mentioned above, many foreigners are looking forward to getting along with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture, so a Japanese language education is a benefit that foreign workers would appreciate having.As for foreign IT engineers, technology is an important aspect to consider when changing jobs, so a company that uses the latest technology and takes new business and technology challenges seems to be more appealing and would attract skilled IT engineers.ConclusionOverall, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers are looking for more inclusive workplaces. A company that promotes diversity and understands the difference between cultures with an open approach can contribute to creating a better workplace where the employees can thrive and improve productivity.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.


The Space Business Industry: World's Most Admired Japanese Ventures

We would like to introduce some of the Japanese venture companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business industry.The first part of this article explains the current state of the industry and its classification, so if you want to understand the industry first, please refer to the previous article, “The Space Business Industry and Current Situation“.Featured Japanese Companies in the Space BusinessWe would like to introduce Japanese companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business.Manufacturing FieldThis field involves the manufacture of rockets, satellites and ground stations. Recently, an increasing number of companies are investing in the production of small rockets and small satellites.AxelspaceAXELSPACE is a Tokyo-based space start-up company specializing in the development of low-cost, short-duration nano-satellites. AXELSPACE’s small satellites are capable of detecting a wide range of anomalies, as they can routinely monitor the Earth from 600 km above the ground. In addition, the company is one of the companies that are attracting attention in the space business, which also analyzes and provides information on the data obtained from satellites.  Axelspace 2 tweets39 users74 pocketsホームhttps://www.axelspace.comSpace within Your Reach  Interstellar TechnologiesUnlike Axelspace, Interstellar Technologies, which was founded in 2013, is not developing small satellites, but rather small rockets and their launching. The company is also sponsored by the IT entrepreneur “Horiemon”, which has become a hot topic. In addition to small rockets, the company is also attracting attention for its efforts to develop low-cost liquid fuels.  インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc. 249 tweets21 users104 pocketsインターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc.http://www.istellartech.com宇宙空間へ低コスト・オーダーメイドのロケット打ち上げサービスを提供します。宇宙圏に到達する観測用ロケットと小型衛星等を宇宙空間に運搬する軌道投入用ロケットを独自開発しています。  Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is an area that supports the services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure will become increasingly important for convenience, services, and national security/defense in the future.InfostellarGiving instructions to satellites has been complicated and has the disadvantage of being able to do it only a few times a day.Infostellar is trying to change that by getting satellite operators to share their antennas.By connecting antennas around the world and creating one network, they are working to make it possible for everyone, from meteorologists to farmers, to be connected to a satellite anytime, anywhere. In addition, the fact that the company has been selected for the ICT innovation creation challenge program (I-Challenge!) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) makes it an increasingly popular company.  Infostellar 2 usersインフォステラは、クラウドベースの地上局アグリゲーターStellarStationの提供を… a description for facebook  Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites is used to study things such as location and climate change, and their use is used to improve overall services on earth.Magellan Systems JapanMagellan Systems is a company that provides high-precision satellite positioning systems. Magellan Systems is a company that contributes technologically to a wide range of fields, such as smart agriculture, automated driving, and drones, with its self-developed satellite positioning system.(What is Satellite Positioning System /Magellan Systems)  マゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えます 4 users9 pocketsマゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えますhttps://www.magellan.jpマゼランシステムズジャパンは、衛星受信モジュール開発のパイオニア企業です。  Use of SpaceThe use of space, as the name implies, represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, storing energy in an environment that is impossible on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather.PeptiDreamThanks to the zero-gravity environment of space, precipitation and condensation of aqueous components produced during the purification of proteins can occur, producing clean proteins and facilitating the analysis of their structure.This was the focus of PeptiDream. This was the inspiration for PeptiDream. Currently, PeptiDream provides treatments such as special peptide treatments and small-molecule treatments, and is also conducting high-quality protein crystal generation experiments in the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station “Kibo”. 1 tweet8 users16 pocketsPEPTIDREAM INC ペプチドリーム株式会社https://www.peptidream.comペプチドリーム株式会社は、 非標準のペプチド治療薬の発見と開発を目的とした東京大学発のバイオベンチャー企業です。 PeptiDream Inc is involved in the discovery and development of nonstandard peptide therapeutics.  Space ExplorationSpace exploration is divided into two types: Human Space Exploration, where humans board rockets and other vehicles for space exploration, and UAV Space Exploration, in which an aircraft without a human pilot onboard goes into space.PD AerospaceThe company is developing a reusable aircraft for space transportation, combining jet combustion and rocket combustion, which could be developed in-houseIt is a high-profile venture that aims to make space travel a success. 1 pocket宇宙機事業|事業内容|PDエアロスペース株式会社|民間主導の宇宙機開発。有人…エアロスペース株式会社は民間主導の宇宙機開発を行い、有人機、無人機の完全再使用型の宇宙機を開発しています。  Space DebrisSpace debris is “debris generated by used satellites or collisions between satellites”. Removing this space debris is another important area of the space business.AstroscaleFounded in 2013, AstroScale provides active space debris removal services to mitigate the growth and danger of debris accumulation in space. Other services include in-situ space status checks to ensure that satellites and rockets do not collide with space debris.  J-Startup 1 pocket株式会社アストロスケール | J-Startupアストロスケールは、宇宙機の安全航行の確保を目指し、スペースデブリ(宇宙ゴミ)除去サービスの開発に取り組む初の民間企業です。シンガポール本社創設(2013年)以来、 日本でのR&D拠点設立(2015年)、英国子会社の設立(2017年)等、グローバルに事業を展開しています。持続可能な宇宙利用の為、技術、ビジネスモデル、法規制といった複数の課題解決に取り組み、スペースデブリ除去・軌道上サービスの展開を目指しています。  ConclusionWe sincerely hope that our previous and current articles on hot ventures in the space business industry will further deepen your interest in the space business.Also, if you are a foreign IT engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with GTalent, the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers in Japan. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.

Job Hunting Knowledge

A Guide to Becoming an IT Consultant in Japan

Digital transformation (DX) has altered the competitive landscape of organizations in Japan. By leveraging the right combination of technologies, companies can enhance traditional roles such as sales, marketing, and finance, and create new business processes that ease their operations.However, with the explosion of AI systems and IoT devices, challenges are bound to arise. As more companies integrate these technologies, IT consulting services are needed more than ever to improve business operations and production with digitalization. Discover their responsibilities and what makes this career so attractive to IT professionals.Role of an IT ConsultantFor IT engineers looking for more challenges and are tired of the slow-moving operations of large companies, an IT consulting career will introduce a wide range of processes and technologies that will help you grow as an IT professional.As an IT consultant, clients will be looking for your guidance. You will be exposed to various industries, technical environments, and people with high expectations from your performance. The responsibilities of an IT consultant can be divided into three.AnalystIT consultants are responsible for problem and risk analysis, which involves operation verification and conducting tests. Design, development, and task management skills are required to fulfill this role. They prioritize the problems based on the magnitude of their risks and examine the system’s issues to avoid recurrence.ConsultantExperience in system and operations maintenance is a must for IT consultants since they conduct asset evaluation during company mergers. They are also responsible for IT infrastructure decision-making, such as applying a new system or enhancing an existing technology.As a consultant, they provide DX solutions and proposals to improve business competitiveness by utilizing AI and IoT technology. With the introduction of digital technologies, designing a training framework to enhance employees’ IT skills is also part of their task.ManagerAs a manager, IT consultants monitor the projects’ progress to check for delays or problems to fix. Moreover, they are tasked with quality control, creating work plans, and scheduling coordination with other parties.IT consultants deal with high-level management support. More people will be involved as the projects grow. Therefore, management skills are required to ensure the quality and timeliness of a project.Qualifications of an IT Consultant in JapanBeing an IT consultant is a compelling choice for IT engineers willing to take the challenges involved in providing DX solutions. Moreover, this profession is among the highest paid in Japan, having an average annual income of over 9 million yen. Since IT consultants require high skills and knowledge regarding new IT technologies, they also have to undergo tests to qualify for the job.IT Strategist ExamIT consultants deal with making proposals to integrate DX in reforming business operations. To formulate the best strategies, they must possess high-level knowledge about IT and the recent technological trends. This national qualification exam will prove your skills and gain the trust of your employers.IT Project Management ExamThe IT Project Management Exam is one of the most sought after qualifications of many aspiring IT consultants and employers. The scope of technology spans across several businesses and industries. Thus, projects can be large-scale and complex. Once you have passed this exam, it proves that you are capable of managing rapid technological upgrades and version changes, and the challenges with handling tools and aligning skills to complete a project.Becoming a Successful IT Consultant in JapanThe increasing demand for DX has transformed the way organizations use technology in their business strategies and opened several opportunities for IT consultants in Japan. Here are some tips to ensure your career’s success in Japan.1. Build RelationshipsStarting as an IT consultant and getting your name and expertise recognized can be a challenge. Begin building relationships with your new clients or to whoever you will be reporting to. They can be managers, executives, or even employers with good influence in the company. Always provide the best solutions to your new clients and communicate with them properly.2. Always Pay Attention and Keep an Open MindPart of being an IT consultant is identifying the problems and points to enhance the IT infrastructure of companies. However, the proposals may not be up to the client’s ideas, or sometimes, the budget may be an issue. You may end up redrafting your plan to suit your client’s resources and needs.3. Keep a ChecklistAn IT consultant’s job handles several projects and sub-tasks that must be accomplished on a specific timeline. A newbie in this position may find it challenging to keep tabs on the progress of each project. Therefore, having a checklist or a to-do list can help you monitor the progress every day and solve issues quickly.4. Always Ask for HelpYou might get overwhelmed with the load of work you will be handling. Always remember that your consulting company is willing to help you and give you the best advice. Furthermore, know your fellow consultants. You can ask them for ideas on how to create better DX proposals.5. Learn How to Review Client ContractsProject contracts should cover costs, hours, deadlines, milestones, and more. Learning how to review a client contract and confidentiality agreements can be stressful and time-consuming for those who are unfamiliar with administrative processes. Coordinate with fellow IT consultants and reach out to the best firms that will check these contracts.6. Focus on a Few IndustriesIT consulting covers all industries in need of DX solutions. Early in the consulting career, focus on particular sectors, and gain lots of experience. Clients appreciate IT consultants with in-depth industry-specific insights you bring to the table. When you find the industry the best suits your expertise, seek out assignments to improve your current skills.7. Develop Communication SkillsAs an IT consultant, you will be interviewed by clients, depending on the business organization. As part of interviews, consultants must provide and eloquently describe the solutions they have for a company’s IT problems and inquiries. Developing your communication skill will help you clearly convey your previous experiences and skills, as well as the value that you will be bringing to the company.ConclusionShifting your career path to IT consulting requires you to upskill and be updated with the latest digital technologies and IT trends. The demand for their services in improving the business structure and operations is increasing, especially with the application of AI and IoT devices.So if you’re ready to face the challenges and career growth opportunities provided by this profession, you can start by studying for the qualification exams required by employers. Check our website for IT consulting jobs.Sources:,all%20aspects%20of%20an%20organization/

Job Hunting Knowledge

Roles of IT Engineers in the Healthcare Industry in Japan

When the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus or COVID-19 as a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, multiple countries immediately felt its impact. China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy were among the initial nations with the highest number of cases.Another country that was heavily affected by the worldwide health crisis early on was Japan. A month after COVID-19 was officially recognized as a pandemic, it already tallied close to 800 new infected cases.But amazingly, Japan managed to suppress the virus from spreading disastrously. Japan’s coronavirus peak happened on August 03, 2020, when they reached just two new cases shy of 2,000.That figure may seem worrisome when you consider that Japan is a first-world country, but it is relatively minuscule compared to their superpower counterparts. During the same period, the United States of America was fast approaching the 50,000 new active cases territory. India, another top nation, easily surpassed the 50k mark by that point.To further illustrate just how effective the Japanese government has been in managing the coronavirus ordeal, as of October 2020, the United Kingdom, which has a population of approximately 58 million people less than Japan, has 690,000 more total COVID-19 infections.The secret behind the country’s success in controlling the coronavirus is its excellent healthcare industry. Japan’s healthcare workforce, much like the rest of the world, consists of a collection of health and medical professionals, all working to improve the nation’s overall well-being and health service continuously.While these healthcare professionals undoubtedly deserve all of the praise and recognition they receive for their consistent brilliance, there are also other unsung heroes supporting the healthcare field who are worthy of acknowledgment. One of the most overlooked are IT engineers.In this article, we’ll cover the roles of IT engineers in Japan’s healthcare industry amid COVID-19.Japan’s Healthcare IndustryTo fully understand IT engineers’ and professionals’ roles in Japan’s healthcare system, we must first overview the industry itself.In terms of healthcare, Japan is considered to be among the world’s very best. For starters, healthcare is inexpensive, virtually free, and it covers everyone living within the country’s borders. This includes Japanese citizens and naturalized expats. Even foreigners can avail of free healthcare, granted that they stay for more than a year.Because their world-renowned healthcare system is affordable, the country has always maintained a high life expectancy. Japan is currently ranked 2nd in the entire world with an 85.03 years old average lifespan, only being surpassed by Hong Kong’s 85.29.Their high-quality healthcare industry also boasts over 8,300 medical facilities scattered across the island country to accommodate the 126 million population. Additionally, the government has prepared 13 hospital beds for every 1000 citizens, which is well above the global average.Although Japan is currently enjoying an excellent and organized medical system, its government administration and healthcare industry face a unique challenge, with ramifications soon to be felt.As of now, 28% of Japan are aged 65 and older. That figure is expected to skyrocket to 35% or over a third of the entire population by 2040. This means that the number of senior citizens who need medical attention will easily outnumber the healthcare workers supposed to take care of them.Japan is now trying to make up for the nation’s rapidly aging population and a potential insufficient number of healthcare workers by investing in state-of-the-art medical technology. But the types of machinery and equipment are not only expected to help in Japan’s aging dilemma; they are also meant to prevent, manage, and combat situations such as pandemics in the caliber of COVID-19.Roles of IT Engineers in HealthcareIT engineers’ mastery of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, software, programming, etc. has made them some of the most versatile and reliable medical technology experts. Their knowledge and experience in the field have helped Japan’s healthcare industry to be leaps and bounds ahead of other first-world nations.Amid COVID-19, IT engineers have showcased how medicine can be made more convenient and accessible through AI. Artificial intelligence has helped medical professionals and experts conduct virtual checkups, treat patients, do extensive research, and control the infection’s spread.IT engineers also have their hands full in areas such as data storage. Data storage is a major strand in the fight against the pandemic. Keeping, supplying, and retrieving critical information that includes medical and travel histories, symptom monitoring, and close contact tracing can ultimately help flatten the curve.The Japanese government and its health experts also rely on IT engineers for data collection and analysis. These types of information can help the government enact the proper laws necessary for facing the current health crisis and be of much help for possible future ones. Health experts also use the data to better comprehend the virus, which will guide the process of coming up with solutions.Outside of COVID-19 management, IT engineers will also be of service to other essential healthcare technologies like medical devices and materials, clinical laboratory testing, healthcare ICT, assistive technologies, and infrastructure.Qualifications of an AI Engineer in Japan’s Healthcare IndustryEven before the coronavirus crisis, artificial intelligence had been a driving force for Japan’s healthcare industry. In 2019, Tokyo Women’s Medical University–Waseda University Joint Institute for Advanced Biomedical Sciences had successfully performed a brain surgery that treated a patient’s essential tremor with a cutting-edge robot.Smart Cyber Operating Theater or SCOT, which was part AI, part robotics, led the groundbreaking surgery. The machine instructed the surgeons on which parts of the brain should be prioritized, what types of incisions should be executed, and even conducted surgical prognosis and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the surgery was on-going.With AI gaining more traction in the healthcare field and advances being more prevalent, it is no wonder why more and more IT professionals have now taken their talents to be AI engineers in Japan’s healthcare industry. And many economic experts believe that this is the ideal career move for IT engineers, as the country’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry are in need of 120,000 AI specialists by 2030.AI engineers working in Japan will generally spearhead AI research and development in the healthcare industry. So, most medical employers will be seeking the best and most knowledgeable in C #, C ++, and Python. Moreover, they’ll also be looking for candidates who are proficient in the internet of things (IoT) and big data.Because of their artificial intelligence expertise, IT engineers have become some of the most sought-after professionals in Japan’s campaign against COVID-19.SummaryJapan’s healthcare industry is among the best in the world. Their world class healthcare amidst the COVID-19 crisis can be attributed to medical institutions fast-forwarding technological applications to their operations and diagnostics, with the help of IT engineers.IT engineers play a significant role in Japan’s medical initiatives and the overall success in the coronavirus age. The impact and value of their knowledge and expertise in medical technology could likely be one reason why this pandemic will be no more shortly.Sources:,of%20the%20total%20world%20population—ResearchAndMarkets.com


Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 3

We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about what they think foreigners need to succeed in a Japanese company. Understanding the local language and culture play a huge advantage in the workplace, but many other factors are also important. Find out here.Japan is a great place to live according to many rankings. The economy is stable, the crime rate is low and there are plenty of technology-related jobs. But, do foreigners really want to live permanently in Japan? Find out here for how long IT foreign engineers would like to stay in Japan, also how many years they would like to work in their next company.This article is volume 3 of the survey result about foreign IT engineer working in Japan. If you are interested in other volumes, please check out from following articles.Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 1Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol. 2What do foreigners need to succeed in a Japanese Company?Working in a Japanese company can be quite an adventure and it might be difficult to adjust to the many unspoken social norms. We asked 100 foreign IT engineers what do they think foreigners need in order to succeed in a Japanese company.Business Level Japanese ProficiencyMany Japanese companies are looking for IT talent with a business level of Japanese ability. Even for IT engineers, due to the frequent communication with co-workers and clients, Japanese ability has become the rule in order to successfully communicate and not miss important details regarding a project, the language ability also allows to make decisions together and not being left out. Many companies also think that the higher the Japanese level is, the higher is the commitment to Japan.Understanding of Japanese Corporate CultureThe Japanese language and the Japanese business culture is intertwined, by speaking the language makes it easier to understand some of the social norms and workplace rules. The work culture in Japan may come as a shock to those coming from abroad, but it is important to get to know the social rules to build meaningful business relationships. One of the most important values of Japanese culture is harmony, by prioritizing the needs of society rather than personal interest or opinion. Instead of making decisions based on individual authority, Japanese companies tend to emphasize group consensus in order to maintain peaceful cooperation within the organisation and harmony within the team.Able to Report, Contact and Consult (Ho-Ren-So)Horenso is a basic rule for business communication that is often employed by companies throughout Japan to ensure an efficient system of information sharing. The term is an acronym built of three words and stands for Hōkoku (報告) which means “report,” Renraku (連絡) which means “communicate,” and Sōdan (相談) which means “consult”.If you are planning to work at a Japanese company, then it is a good idea to remember this rule, as it will facilitate your job in a Japanese working environment.For How Long You Want to Live in Japan?This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers shared their plans for the future. From the pie chart, it is clear that the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 56.5%, would like to live in Japan forever. Many foreigners enjoy the safety and stability that the country provides. Following the 18.5% who would like to at least stay for more than 3 years. 8.3% more than 6 years, and the smaller groups, with 6.5% that would like to either, stay for more than 1 year or more than 10 years.Japanese Level of IT EngineersThe better your Japanese skills, the more opportunities will be open to you. So, unless you have highly technical skills as an engineer you can be an exception to language requirements. According to GTalent’s database, this is the rate of Foreign IT engineers Japanese skill.This graph shows the results of a survey in which foreign IT engineers stated their current Japanese level. From the chart, the majority of foreign IT engineers in Japan, 42.6%, are skilled in business level Japanese. The next bigger group, 35.2% with a conversational level ability in Japanese. 10.2% are fluent in Japanese, 6.5% have no Japanese ability and only 5.6% have basic knowledge of Japanese. For many employers, basic ability of Japanese is the same as almost none, since most of them are still not able to maintain a conversation.For How Long Would You Like to Work in Your Next Company?The chart is divided into 6 parts. 54.2% of foreign IT engineers stated that they would like to stay forever in their next company. The group who would like to work for more than 3 years has the second largest number with 25%. Following is the group who would like to work for more than one year with 9.4% of the foreign IT engineers. The next three smaller groups are as follows, 5.2% more than ten years, 4.2% more than six years, and 2.1% less than a year.ConclusionIn conclusion, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers find Japan attractive. Contrary to what many Japanese companies think, foreigners living in Japan are actually looking to stay most of their lives not only in Japan but even in their next company. As for the Japanese level, we would like to invite you to improve your Japanese skill if you are already thinking about staying in Japan forever. This will help you to thrive in your career in Japan as well as to understand Japanese business culture and have better business relations with your co-workers and clients.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.