

日本で働いて、経験を積んで、新たなスキルや知識を得るために刺激的な環境を求めて転職したい。そう考えている外国人エンジニアの方々はたくさんいることでしょう。しかし、日本では転職するにしても、就労ビザの手続きを行わなければいけません。もし、その手続きを怠ってしまったら、罰せられてしまうのです。そこで、転職する際に必要な就労ビザの手続きなどについて詳しく説明していきます。外国人エンジニアが日本で転職するには?現在、日本の転職市場は活況。特に人材不足が顕著なIT分野では、続々とエンジニアの大量採用を進めています。グローバル化の波にも後押しされ、特に外国人エンジニアのニーズは上昇中。外国人エンジニアを採用したい企業は急激に増えているのです。しかし、エンジニアに限らず、外国人が転職するためには定められた手続きを行わなければいけません。日本で長期的に働いていくために、転職活動で気をつけたいことをケース別に説明していきます。転職先の職務内容によって、必要となる書類や手続きは異なってくるので、十分注意しましょう。【CASE.1】職務内容がまったく同じ転職先に決まった転職するときに注意しなければいけないのは、転職先での職務内容が今までと異なるかどうか、ということ。まったく同じ職務内容であったり、現在所有している在留資格の活動範囲内であれば、比較的スムーズに転職が可能です。その場合、必要な手続きは、転職後14日以内に就労ビザの在留カードを持って、入国管理局に「活動機関に関する届出」を行なうこと。届出は「窓口」「郵送」「インターネット」から選べます。もしも、届出を行わなかった場合は“20万円以下”の罰金。または、次回のビザ更新の際に“在留期間の短縮”といった罰則に処されます。転職先の会社がやってくれるわけではないので、「地方入国管理官署」または「外国人在留インフォメーションセンター」へ行き、自分自身で忘れずに届出を済ませましょう。【参考】法務省:「活動機関に関する届出」について【CASE.2】転職後の職務も活動範囲内のはずだが確信が持てない外国人エンジニアが、転職先で前職と同じ内容の職務を行う場合、在留資格の変更は必要ありません。しかし、現在所有している就労ビザは、以前に勤めていた会社での就労に関して許可されたビザです。そのため、新たに勤めている会社の職務が在留資格の活動範囲内に認められるかどうかは、断言することはできません。そうした不安要素を取り除くために、「就労資格証明書」を地方入国管理官署に申請しましょう。就労資格証明書の交付申請をすることで、現在所有している就労ビザが、転職先の職務内容に対応しているかを審査してもらえます。審査をクリアした上で交付されるので、確信を持って職務に専念することが可能です。【CASE.3】職務内容が以前とまったく異なる職種を希望外国人エンジニアとしてキャリアを歩んでいくなかで、新たな仕事にチャレンジしたい想いが芽生えることもあるでしょう。在留資格で定められた活動範囲外の職務に転職を希望する場合は、転職前に自分自身で「在留資格変更許可申請」を行わなければいけません。在留期間中であれば、変更申請はいつでも可能。しかし、変更許可が出る前に範囲外の転職をしてしまうと、「資格外活動」と判断されます。そうなると、変更申請の許可がおりなかったり、在留資格そのものを取り消される場合もあるので、必ず在留資格変更許可申請を忘れないようにしましょう。転職に必要な手続きと書類一覧就労ビザは、外国人が日本で働いて、報酬を得ることを認めるもの。活動範囲によって就労が認められている在留資格は18種類に分けられています。転職後、活動範囲から外れる職務を行ってしまった場合、不法就労に当たる可能性もあります。そのため、自分の在留資格がどの範囲まで活動を認められているのか、をしっかり把握しておく必要があります。上記で触れている内容も含まれますが、各手続きと必要書類について説明していきます。【職務変更なし】在留期限が3ヶ月以上ある場合まずは職務内容に変更がなく、在留期限が迫っていないかを確認しましょう。在留期限が3ヶ月以上ある場合、地方入国管理官署へ就労資格証明書交付申請を行います。この申請手続きを行うことで「就労資格証明書」の取得が可能。就労資格証明書は、新たに勤める会社の職務内容が、定められた活動範囲に該当するかどうかを確認するものになります。就労資格証明書を取得しておくと、転職先で、所有する在留資格の活動範囲外の職務に従事させられるリスクが少なく済みます。また、通常の在留期間更新許可申請とほぼ同じ手続きなのでスムーズ。なお、交付申請には職務内容に変更がないことが大前提ですから、くれぐれも確認して行いましょう。<就労資格証明書交付申請の必要書類>□就労資格証明交付申請書□以前勤めていた会社の源泉徴収票・退職証明書□転職先の会社の登記簿謄本・直近の決算書・会社案内等□雇用契約書・辞令・給与辞令□採用通知書□理由書□パスポート・在留カード【参考】法務省:「就労資格証明書交付申請」について<必要書類の用意の仕方>*就労資格証明交付申請書は上記サイトよりダウンロード*源泉徴収票・退職証明書は以前勤めていた会社に発行を依頼*登記簿謄本・決算書・会社案内・雇用契約書・辞令・給与辞令・採用通知書・理由書は転職先の会社で発行【職務変更なし】在留期限が3ヶ月を切っている場合職務内容の変更はないが、転職時期が在留期限まで3ヶ月を切っている場合があります。その際は、「在留期間更新許可申請」が必要。転職先の会社情報をつけて、地方入国管理官署に交付申請を行います。また、転職先の会社や職務内容で在留が認められない場合は、帰国を余儀なくされるリスクがあることを必ず押さえておきましょう。<在留期間更新許可申請の必要書類>□在留期間更新許可申請書□パスポート、在留カードの原本とそのコピー□直近の課税証明書、納税証明書(住民税)※上記必要書類の他に下記書類が必要です□以前勤めていた会社の源泉徴収票・退職証明書(ない場合はつけなくても可)□転職先の会社の登記簿謄本・直近の決算書・会社案内等(決算の出ていない会社は今後1年間の事業計画書・今までの売上等の資料)□雇用契約書(活動内容・期間・地位・報酬などがわかる文書)□理由書 【参考】法務省:「在留期間更新許可申請」について<必要書類の用意の仕方>*在留期間更新許可申請書は上記サイトよりダウンロード*課税証明書・納税証明書は自治体に発行を請求*源泉徴収票・退職証明書は以前勤めていた会社に発行を依頼*登記簿謄本・決算書・会社案内・雇用契約書・辞令・給与辞令・採用通知書・理由書は転職先の会社で発行【職務変更あり】の場合は在留期限を問わず要申請転職先での職務内容が、現在所有している在留資格の活動範囲外の場合は、在留期限に関係なく、「在留資格変更許可申請」を地方入国管理官署に行わなければいけません。転職先での職務内容が、現在所有している在留資格の活動範囲内であれば「在留資格変更許可申請」は必要ありません。在留期限が3ヶ月以上の余裕がある方は、「就労資格証明書」を取得しておくといいでしょう。<在留資格変更許可申請>□在留資格変更許可申請書□以前勤めていた会社の源泉徴収票・退職証明書□転職先の会社の登記簿謄本・直近の決算書・会社案内等(決算の出ていない会社は今後1年間の事業計画書・今までの売上等の資料)□雇用契約書(活動内容・期間・地位・報酬などがわかる文書)□理由書□パスポート・在留カード【参考】法務省:「在留資格変更許可申請」について<必要書類の用意の仕方>*在留資格変更許可申請書は上記サイトよりダウンロード*源泉徴収票・退職証明書は以前勤めていた会社に発行を依頼*登記簿謄本・決算書・会社案内・雇用契約書・理由書は転職先の会社で発行就労ビザでわからないことはプロに相談を日本で初めての転職は、いろいろな手続きや申請書類などがあり、困惑してしまう場面が出てくるかもしれません。その不安を1つひとつ解消していくために、自分自身で転職に必要な手続きや書類について調べることは、とても時間がかかります。「必要な書類が多い」「専門的なことが多くてわからない」。そうした負担を軽減するためには、就労ビザの更新手続きに詳しい行政書士など、プロの方々にサポートしてもらうのも1つの手段です。スムーズな転職を実現できるように、検討してみてはいかがでしょうか。<監修>株式会社ACROSEED/佐野 誠(さの まこと)大学卒業後、外国人雇用に特化した行政書士業務に従事。2006年、行政書士法人、社会保険労務士法人、税理士法人を併設した現在のACROSEEDグループの代表に就任。大手企業から中小企業までの外国人雇用コンサルティング、在留手続きを得意とし、その他、専門性の高い許認可の取得コンサルティング、外国人雇用に関する講演活動などを精力的に展開。「日本社会の調和と活力のあるグローバル化に貢献すること」をミッションとし、外国人や外国人雇用企業向けのプロフェッショナルサービスを提供。



AIやIoTなど、新技術の登場によって世界的にIT市場が拡大する一方で、日本ではITエンジニア不足が深刻な課題になっています。ITエンジニア不足を解消するため、政府や企業が注目しているのが外国人エンジニアの活用です。本記事では、今、日本で外国人エンジニアが必要とされている理由のほか、外国人エンジニアが日本で働くメリット・デメリットなどをお伝えしていきます。外国人エンジニアが日本で必要とされている理由AIやIoT、ブロックチェーンやロボットなど、近年、数多くの革新的なIT技術が登場しています。そんな中、いわゆる「第4次産業革命」に対応したビジネスの担い手として、ITエンジニアの需要が拡大しています。にもかかわらず、日本では十分なITエンジニアを確保できていないのが現状です。ITエンジニア不足が深刻化する日本日本は、他の先進国に比べて非常に速いスピードで少子高齢化、人口減少が進んでいます。ITエンジニアの需要は増加傾向にある一方で入職者は減少しており、今後はさらに労働人口が減少することで、今以上にITエンジニア不足が深刻化すると考えられています。経済産業省の調査では、2015年のIT人材(※)は約90万人であるのに対し、約17万人が不足しているというデータが出ています。今後はさらに需要と供給の差が広がり続け、2030年には約41万人(楽観値)~約79万人(悲観値)のIT人材が不足すると予測されています。特に、情報セキュリティの分野では2020年に19.3万人が不足し、AIやIoT、ビッグデータの分野では2020年に4.8万人が不足する見込みです。出典:経済産業省「IT人材の最新動向と将来推計に関する調査結果」※ IT人材とは、「IT企業およびユーザ企業の情報システム部門に所属する人材」外国人エンジニアの獲得が進んでいる日本におけるITエンジニア不足を解消するシンプルな方法は、供給を増やすことです。そのために、新しいエンジニア層の獲得に向けた動きが活発になっています。女性エンジニアやシニアエンジニアの活用も進んでいますが、上述のとおり、人口減少が避けられない日本において国内だけでITエンジニアの供給を増やすのは限界があります。そこで今、外国人エンジニアの獲得・活用が進んでいるのです。外国人エンジニアを積極採用する企業が増加!日本を代表するIT企業である「楽天」は社内の公用語を英語としており、採用においても積極的に外国人エンジニアを獲得しています。また、無料通信アプリの「LINE」が京都に設けた開発拠点(LINE KYOTO)のメンバーは、過半数が外国人エンジニア。約1,000人の応募者のうち8割近くが外国人だったと言います。フリーマーケットアプリの「メルカリ」では、新卒採用のエンジニア50人のうち9割近くが外国人ということで話題になりました。このような大企業だけでなく、中小企業やベンチャー企業でも外国人エンジニアの獲得に乗り出す企業が増えています。出入国管理上の優遇措置を受けられる「高度人材ポイント制度」日本では、2012年より「高度人材ポイント制度」がスタートしています。この制度の目的は、海外の優秀な人材を呼び込んで日本の活性化を目指すこと。一定の要件を満たすことで出入国管理上の優遇措置を受けられ、エンジニアなどのIT人材も対象になります。高度人材ポイント制度によって、優秀な外国人エンジニアは日本で就労しやすくなっており、認定件数は年々増加しています。>> 高度人材ポイント制度の詳細はこちら日本で働く外国人エンジニアの数出典:外国人雇用状況の届出状況について(厚生労働省)からグラフを作成厚生労働省の調査によると、日本で情報通信業に就業している外国人労働者の数は年々増加しています。2018年は57,620人で、前年(52,038人)に比べて約5,000人の増加。2008年(18,030人)に比べると3倍以上に増加しています。なお、国籍別で見るともっとも多いのが中国で、以下、韓国、ベトナム、アメリカ、フィリピンと続きます。外国人エンジニアが日本で働くメリットメリット01:雇用が安定している日本特有の雇用慣行である「終身雇用」は崩壊したと言われますが、それでも日本企業には長期雇用の慣習が残っています。また、日本企業では従業員に重大な法令違反・契約違反がある場合を除き、従業員が解雇されるケースはほとんどありません。雇用が安定しているのは、腰を据えて働きたい外国人エンジニアにとって大きなメリットと言えるでしょう。メリット02:教育体制が整っている多くの日本企業は、長期就業を前提に手厚い従業員教育をおこなっています。作業内容や作業工程はマニュアル化されており、充実した研修やOJTを受けられるのが日本企業の特徴です。「日本で習得したスキル・ノウハウを母国に還元したい」と考える外国人エンジニアにとって、充実した教育体制を整えた日本企業は魅力的です。メリット03:母国より稼げる外国人エンジニアの中には、母国への仕送りを目的に日本で働く人もたくさんいます。国によってエンジニアの給与水準は異なるので一概には言えませんが、母国に比べ日本の給与水準のほうが高い場合は、日本企業への就業は良い選択になるはずです。メリット04:公的医療保険が充実している原則として、日本で働く外国人は日本人と同様に保険料を支払い、公的医療保険に加入する義務があります。その結果、日本人と変わらない医療サービスを受けることができます。日本の公的医療保険制度(国民皆保険制度)は、世界的に見てもトップレベル。公的医療保険の制度がない国や制度が未熟な国も多いため、充実した公的医療保険を利用できることをメリットに感じる外国人は多いようです。メリット05:文化、治安、インフラなど様々な魅力がある近年、漫画やアニメ、和食や伝統工芸といった日本文化に興味を持つ外国人が増えています。また、多くの外国人は、日本に「治安が良い」「インフラが整っている」「街がきれい」「人が親切」といったイメージを持っています。自分が好きな国で暮らすために、日本で働くことを選ぶ外国人エンジニアも少なくありません。外国人エンジニアが日本で働くデメリットデメリット01:長時間労働の可能性があるかねてから、多くの日本企業では長時間労働が常態化しており、特にIT業界では顕著でした。昨今の「働き方改革」によって労働時間の適正化が進む一方で、なかなか労働時間を削減できない企業もあるようです。そのため、外国人エンジニアは「残業が多い」「有給が少ない」「プライベートが充実しない」といった不満を感じることがあるかもしれません。デメリット02:異文化理解が足りない企業もある日本には、「郷に入りては郷に従え」という言葉があります(英訳すると、When in Rome, do as the Romans do.)。これも一つの考え方ですが、あまり行き過ぎると労使双方がお互いの文化や生活習慣の違いを尊重できず、トラブルに発展してしまうことがあります。日本で働く際は、異文化を受け入れる体制が整っている企業を選べるかどうかがポイントです。まとめIT業界を中心とした日本企業は、競争力を高めるために外国人エンジニアの獲得に動いています。外国人エンジニアを受け入れるため、社内環境の国際化を進める企業も増えています。今後は、外国人が働きやすい環境づくりが進み、外国人エンジニアが活躍できるフィールドはますます広がっていくでしょう。2019年のラグビーワールドカップ、2020年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピック、2025年の大阪万博と、日本開催のビッグイベントが続くこともあり、今、日本には世界の注目が集まっています。国全体が大きな盛り上がりを見せている今は、外国人が日本で働く最適なタイミングだと言えます。日本が好きで、エンジニアとしての向上心がある方は、ぜひ日本で就職・転職にチャレンジしてみてはいかがでしょうか。


How can foreign engineers get a working visa in Japan?

“I want to work in Japan to gain experience and change jobs in search of an exciting environment to gain new skills and knowledge”. There are many foreign engineers who think so. However, even if you change jobs in Japan, you must go through a work visa procedure, if the type of activities remains the same.If you fail to do so, you will face a penalty. Therefore, I will explain in detail the work visa procedures required when changing jobs.How can foreign engineers change jobs in Japan?Currently, the job change market in Japan is booming. Especially in the IT field, where there is a remarkable shortage of human resources, we are continuing to hire a large number of engineers. The needs of foreign engineers are rising, driven by the wave of globalization and the number of companies that want to hire foreign engineers is increasing rapidly.However, not only engineers but also any other foreigner have to follow the predetermined procedures to change jobs. I will explain each possible case and what I would like you to pay attention when changing jobs to work in Japan for the long term. Please note that the required documents and procedures may differ depending on the job contents of the new job.【CASE.1】The job description of your next job will be exactly the sameWhat you need to be careful about when you change jobs is whether your job is different from the previous job. If you have exactly the same job content or are within the scope of your current status of residence, you can change jobs relatively smoothly.In that case, the necessary procedure is to carry out a “Notification of the change of employers” to the Immigration Bureau with the work visa residence card within 14 days after changing jobs. You can choose to notify by direct contact, mail or Internet.If you do not submit a notification, a fine of “200,000 yen or less” will apply. Alternatively, the next visa renewal will result in penalties such as shortening the period of stay. The company where you change your job will not do it for you, so go to the “Regional Immigration Bureau” or “Foreign Resident Information Center” and notify by yourself.【Reference】Ministry of Justice: “Notifications concerning activity organizations”【CASE.2】After changing jobs, I’m not sure if my work activities are within the scope of my visa.If the foreign engineer performs the same duties as the previous job at the new work place, there is no need to change the status of residence. However, the work visas you currently own are those visas for working in a company you previously worked for.For this reason, it cannot be stated whether or not the duties of a newly working company are recognized within the scope of activities of residence status.To get rid of those concerns, apply for a “working qualification certificate” at the regional immigration office. By applying to a work qualification certificate, you can check whether the current work visa corresponds to the job description of your new job. It will be issued after clearing the examination, so it is possible to be sure about your status and concentrate on the job.【CASE.3】I would like a job with a completely different job description.As you progress in your career as a foreign engineer, you may start thinking about new challenges. If you wish to change your job to a job outside the scope of activities defined by your status of residence, you must do your own “Application for Change of Status of Residence” by yourself before changing jobs.You can apply to that change at any time during the period of stay. However, if you change jobs outside of the scope before you get permission to change, you will be considered as doing an “activity other than that permitted under one’s resident status”. If this happens, you may not be granted permission to change your application and your status of residence may be revoked, so be sure to remember to apply for permission to change your status of residence.List of procedures and documents required for changing jobsA work visa allows foreigners to work in Japan and get paid. There are 18 types of status of residence that are allowed to work depending on the scope of activities.If you perform a job that is outside the scope of your work visa after changing jobs, you may be illegally employed. For this reason, it is necessary to have a firm understanding of the range of activities in which your status of residence is permitted. Although the contents mentioned above are included, we will explain each procedure and required documents.【No change of duties】 If the period of stay is 3 months or moreFirst of all, let’s check if there is no change in the job description and that the expiry date is not imminent. If your period of stay is more than 3 months, you will apply for a work qualification certificate from the Regional Immigration Bureau. It is possible to obtain a “working qualification certificate” by performing this application procedure. The work qualification certificate confirms whether the job description of the company you are working for falls within the defined scope of your visa.Obtaining a work qualification certificate reduces the risk that you will be assigned to work outside the scope of activities of your status of residence at your new job. Also, the procedure is almost the same as a normal application for renewal of period of stay. In addition, it is a major premise that there is no change in the job contents in the application, so let’s confirm it.<Required documents for application for work qualification certificate>Working qualification certificate application formTax certificate slip / retirement certificate of the company you worked for beforeA copy of the company’s registry, latest financial statements, company information, etc.Employment contract, letter of appointment, salary appointment letter.Employment NotificationWritten statement of reasonsPassport / resident card【Reference】Ministry of Justice: “Application for Certificate of Employment Qualification”<How to prepare necessary documents>Download application for work qualification certificate from the above siteRequest for issuance of Tax certificate slip and retirement certificate from the company where you worked.Issuance of Registry copy, financial statements, company information, employment contract, letter of appointment, salary appointment letter, employment notification / written statement of reasons at the company where the job was transferred.【No change of duties】 If the period of stay is less than 3 monthsWhen there is no change in the job description, but the change of job may be less than 3 months before the expiration date. In that case, “Application for Renewal of Residence Period” is required. You should attach the company information of the job change destination to the regional immigration office. Also, make sure that there is a risk that you will be forced to return to your home country if you are not allowed to stay in the company or if the new job description doesn’t meet the requirements.<Application for permission to change status of residence>Application form for renewal of period of stayPassport, original residence card and copyRecent Tax declaration certificate, Tax payment certification (resident tax) * In addition to the above required documents, the following documents are required.Tax certificate slip / retirement certificate of the company you worked for beforeA copy of the company’s registry, latest financial statements, company information, etc.(For companies that do not have financial results, the business plan for the next year, materials such as sales to date)Employment contract (documents that describe the activity, period, status, compensation, etc.)Written statement of reasons【Reference】Ministry of Justice: About “Application for Renewal of Residence Period” <How to prepare necessary documents>“Application for Renewal of Residence Period” should be downloaded from the above site.Tax declaration certificate and tax payment certification must be issued at your local government office.Request for issuance of tax certificate slip and retirement certificate from the company where you worked.Issuance of Registry copy, financial statements, company information, employment contract, letter of appointment, salary appointment letter, employment notification and written statement of reasons at the company where the job was transferred.【In the case of change of duties】 application is required regardless of the period of stay.If your job is outside the scope of your current status of residence, you must apply for a “change of residence status” to the regional immigration office regardless of the period of residence. You do not need to apply for permission to change status of residence if your job is within the scope of your current status of residence. If you have a period of stay of more than 3 months, you should obtain a “working qualification certificate”.<Application for permission to change status of residence>Application for permission to change status of residenceTax certificate slip / retirement certificate of the company you worked for beforeA copy of the company’s registry, latest financial statements, company information, etc.(For companies that do not have financial results, the business plan for the next year, materials such as sales to date)Employment contract (documents that describe the activity, period, status, compensation, etc.)Written statement of reasonsPassport / resident card【Reference】Ministry of Justice: “Application for permission to change status of residence”<How to prepare necessary documents>Application for permission to change status of residence is downloaded from the above site.Request for issuance of tax certificate slip and/or retirement certificate of the company you worked for beforeCopies of registered books, financial statements, company guides, employment contracts and written statement of reasons are issued at the company where the job is changed.Consult with a professional if you are not sure of your work visaThere are various procedures and application documents for the first job change in Japan, and you may get confused. In order to alleviate those concerns one by one, it is very time consuming to search for the necessary procedures and documents for changing jobs.“There are too many necessary documents” “There are a lot of specialized words that I can’t understand”. One way to reduce this burden is to get professional support from those who are familiar with renewal procedures for work visas. How about considering a smooth job change?<Supervision>ACROSEED Inc./佐野 誠(Makoto Sano)After graduating from university, engaged in administrative scrivener work specialized in hiring foreigners. In 2006, he was appointed as the representative of the current ACROSEED group with administrative scrivener corporation, social insurance labor corporation, and tax accountant corporation. He specializes in foreign employment consulting from large companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, and is good at residence procedures. In addition, he is engaged in consulting for highly licensed and highly licensed consulting and lectures on foreign employment. Providing professional services for foreigners and foreign-employed companies, with the mission of “Contributing to harmony and vitalization of Japanese society”.

Job Hunting Knowledge

How to write a Resume in Japan -The Perfect Guide for Foreigners-

“It’s difficult to write a resume in Japanese” “I don’t know how to write it because it’s my first time” “How important is a resume?” There may be many foreigners who think this way.In Japan, the resume is the standard for passing before continuing to the interview. That’s why you need to write your resume in correct Japanese, while following Japanese business manners.A resume can be called the first barrier. But, if you learn how to write it properly, anyone can create a high-quality resume.This article is for foreigners who do not know how to write resumes, such as basic information like name, address, education/work history, license/qualifications, motivation, hobbies / special skills, etc. Let’s carefully explain how to write a resume.If you are a foreigner who has trouble writing a Japanese resume, please use this text as a reference. Let’s aim to create a resume that makes people think: “I want to meet this person!”.Resume Writing RulesBefore you start writing your resume, there are writing rules that you should know first. The two most important rules are:①If you make a mistake, write a new resume.②Do not re-use resumes with the same content.In case of making a mistake in a handwritten resume, do not attempt to correct the mistake by crossing it out or using whiteout. Since it will give a bad impression, it’s better to rewrite it.You can avoid these mistakes by first drafting with a pencil and then writing above it with a black ballpoint pen. Recently, an increasing number of companies accept resumes created on computers. However, it is important to understand that there are still many companies to which resumes should be handwritten.It is also important not to re-use the same resume. People who work at companies are professionals at reviewing resumes. For this reason, if you use the same resume that was also used for another company, it won’t seem solid and will make difficult to communicate your motivation to join the company. Create a resume for each company. That is a vital point to pass the document screening.There are other writing rules. It is important to be careful with Japanese polite sentence closer, “masu” (-ます), “-desu” (-です), and to make sure that all the items are filled in and that there are no typographical mistakes or omissions.If you register on a career change website or to a career change service, you can rest assured that a reliable agent will check your resume.How to write a resume -basic information-Let’s understand how to write a resume while valuing the rules for writing a resume. First, I will explain how to write basic information on resumes.①DateEnter the date you will submit your resume, not the date you wrote your resume. In case of mailing the application, enter the mailing date. Please fill in the date of the interview if you are taking it to an interview. Also, let’s make compatible the year writing into either the Japanese calendar ex. 「令和X年」 or the Western calendar ex. 「20XX年」.②NameAlthough it is a name, write your name in the place where “氏名” is written. Make sure to leave a space between the last name and the name. In the furigana above the name field, enter “Hiragana” or “Katakana” according to your resume.To identify which one to write, use Hiragana if the word “Furigana” is written in Hiragana, and Katakana if the word “Furigana” is written in Katakana. In Japan, the family name is written in front and the first name is written behind.③Birth date and ageWrite it according to the calendar type that is written on the date of ①, “Japanese calendar” or “Western calendar”. Enter your current age at the time you submit or mail your resume.④Address and contact informationEnter the address without omitting zip code, prefecture, address, building name, and room number. Please fill in the Furigana correctly. If the contact address is the same as the address, enter “same as above”. If you would like to write another contact, do not omit it.⑤Phone number/email addressf you do not have a fixed phone, enter the mobile phone number only. Please enter your web e-mail address, not the mobile phone e-mail address. The company will contact you with the information listed here, so be sure not to make any mistakes.⑥PhotoMany foreigners may be wondering where to shoot. It is common to take photos for resumes at ID photo booths installed at train stations and photo studios.In that case, it is basic to shoot it with a black or blue suit and no hat. Paste the front photo (bust-up photo) taken within 3 months to your resume. When pasting, cut it into a size of 3cm wide x 4cm long, and paste it with glue.How to write a resume -Education History and Work History-①Education historyFirst of all, “Education History” is clearly stated in the center of the first line. The educational background will be written from the second line, the general rule is to write from the previous academic background.The final educational background is not “the last school you graduated” but “the highest educational institution”. For example, if you graduate from a university and enter a vocational school, the university has a higher standard as an educational institution, so you should write first “university” as previous academic background.The school name must be an official name. Please write properly department, major, major subject, etc. Enrollment and graduation years must be displayed the same as the date (Japanese or Western calendar). If you dropped out of school, indicate “dropped out”, and if you are currently in school, state “expected graduation”.②Work historyWrite a line below the academic background and specify “work history” in the center. In the order of the company where you worked, enter “year of hire, company name, type of industry, number of employees, concise job description” and “year of leave/reason for retirement”.If the reason for retirement is for personal reasons, specify “retirement due to personal reasons”, and if you retire due to dismissal, state “retirement due to company circumstances”. Also, if you are currently working, you have to state “Present”. Finally, write “End” in the last line.How to write a resume -Licenses and Certifications-“License/Qualification” is in principle the official name. Also, it is necessary to indicate the year of acquisition of each one correctly. It’s important to make sure to state at the top the license or qualification that can be used in the company you want to apply. If you have not acquired any, specify “None”.How to write a resume -Motivation/Reasons for application-In the resume, the “Motivation” field is the one that can promote yourself the most. It is important not to write a reason that you can use to apply to any company. You should investigate the company you want to apply, and to concretely write what kind of experience you have had, your skills, and what you want to do after joining the company.<Example sentence>I have a large experience in system design that goes from infrastructure to application. I hope that by making use of the know-how I have cultivated so far; I would be able to help you to promote global business development. I can speak English and Japanese. I want to drive the business to further accelerate your global expansion.<Advice>I’ll explain the difference between “Kisha” and “Onsha”, both meaning is “your company”.Kisha (貴社): Use this when writing resumes or emails.Onsha (御社): Use for interviews and business talks.Although it is a small detail, by remembering this, it can give a good impression by using it properly.How to write a resume -Hobbies/Special skills-Hobbies and special skills may become a topic in conversations with interviewers. For this reason, avoid “nothing in particular” or to leave it in blank. If your hobbies and special skills are related to your work, it will lead to appeal. Please try to include specific details. Also, please note that hobbies and feats that give negative impressions of gambling and crimes are better to avoid.<Example sentence>My hobby is futsal. I participate in a team with Japanese friends. I communicate in Japanese while enjoying playing the game. One of my special skills is DIY. I like to assemble things, to move my hands and make various things using my head. I often use and find useful this construction skill in system development situations.How to write a resume -Personal aspirations, Commuting, Marital Status-①Personal aspirationsClarify the desired job type. It is a rule of principle to state that your workplace, salary, and treatment can be according to the company regulations.②CommutingSpecify the commute time to the company and your nearest station. As a general rule, commuting time should be 90 minutes or less. If you live in a remote area or are coming to Japan, it is necessary to state that you will be able to commute without problem after joining the company. “最寄り駅” means the closest station from home.③Marital StatusForeigners who are married will circle “Yes” in the marital status field. If you are single, please circle “No”.Write a high-quality resume and work for a Japanese company of your choice!Many foreigners are reluctant to Japan’s resume. However, if you learn how to write it properly, you can create a resume that will interest companies.Let’s create a high-quality resume, by keeping correct Japanese expressions and Japanese business manners. As long as you write politely, you will have the chance to work for a Japanese company of your choice.

Job Hunting Knowledge

Pros and Cons of Working in Japan- A Must-see for Foreign Engineers!

While the IT market is expanding globally with the emergence of new technologies such as AI and IoT, the shortage of IT engineers has become a serious issue in Japan. To solve this shortage of IT engineers, the Japanese government and companies are considering using foreign engineers’ abilities. In this article, we will explain the reasons of why foreign engineers are needed in Japan and the advantages and disadvantages of working in Japan.Why foreign engineers are needed in JapanIn recent years, many innovative IT technologies such as AI, IoT, blockchain and robots have appeared. Meanwhile, the demand for IT engineers is expanding as a business leader in response to the so-called “4th Industrial Revolution”. Despite this, the current situation is the lack of IT engineers in Japan.Japan’s shortage of IT engineers has become serious.Japan is aging with a declining birthrate and declining population at a much faster rate than other developed countries. While the demand for IT engineers is increasing, the number of new employees is decreasing, and the shortage of IT engineers will become more serious as the labor force decreases.According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, there is about 170,000 shortage of IT personnel (*) in 2015, compared to about 900,000. In the future, the gap between supply and demand will continue to widen, and by 2030 it is predicted that there will be a shortage of about 410,000 (optimistic) to about 790,000 (pessimistic) IT human resources. In particular, the information security field will have a shortage of 193,000 in 2020, and the AI, IoT, and big data fields will have a shortage of 48,000 people in 2020.Source:Ministry of Economy, Trade, Industry “Survey results on latest trends and future estimates of IT human resources”※“IT human resources” refers to “human resources belonging to the information system department of IT companies and user companies”The acquisition of foreign engineers is progressing.A simple way to solve the shortage of IT engineers in Japan is to increase the supply. For this reason, there is an active movement toward the acquisition of new engineers. Acquisition of female engineers and senior engineers are also progressing, but as mentioned above, there is a limit to increasing the supply of IT engineers only in Japan, where population decline is inevitable. Now, the acquisition of foreign engineers is progressing.More companies are actively hiring foreign engineers!Japan’s leading IT company “Rakuten” uses English as its official language and actively recruiting foreign engineers. Most of the members of the freeware app for instant communication “LINE” are foreign engineers; the company is established in Kyoto where the development base (LINE KYOTO) is located. It was reported that nearly 80% of the approximately 1,000 applicants were foreigners. In the e-commerce company app “Mercari”, nearly 90% of the 50 newly hired engineers were foreigners.In addition to these large companies, more and more companies are hiring foreign engineers in SMEs and venture companies.“Points-based System for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals ” to receive preferential treatment for immigrationIn Japan, the “Points-based System for Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals” has started in 2012. The purpose of this system is to bring in talented people from overseas and revitalize Japan. By satisfying certain requirements, you can receive preferential treatment for immigration; IT talent like engineers are also eligible. The advanced human resource point system makes it easy for talented foreign engineers to work in Japan, and the number of given certifications is increasing year by year.>> Click here for details of the advanced human resources point systemNumber of foreign engineers working in JapanSource:Graph created based on the notification of foreign employment status (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)According to a survey by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of foreign workers working in the information and communications industry in Japan is increasing year by year. In 2018, it was 57,620, an increase of about 5,000 compared to the previous year (52,038). Compared to 2008 (18,030 people), it has increased over three times.In terms of nationality, China has the largest number, followed by Korea, Vietnam, the United States, and the Philippines.Pros of working in Japan for foreign engineersAdvantage 01: Employment is stable.Although it is said that Japan’s particular employment practice of “lifetime employment” has collapsed, long-term employment practices remain in Japanese companies. Besides, there are few cases in which employees are dismissed at Japanese companies; unless there are serious violations of laws or contracts. The fact that employment is stable can be said to be a great advantage for foreign engineers who want to commit to the company for a long time.Advantage 02: Education system is in order.Many Japanese companies conduct extensive employee training on the premise of long-term employment. The contents of work and work processes are made into manuals, and Japanese companies are characterized by extensive training and OJT. For foreign engineers who want to utilize the learned skills and know-how acquired in Japan in their home countries, Japanese companies with a well-developed educational system are attractive.Advantage 03: Earn more money than in your home country.Many foreign engineers work in Japan to send money back to their home countries. Engineers’ salary levels vary from country to country, so it’s hard to say, but if Japanese salary levels are higher than your home country, working for a Japanese company should be a good choice.Advantage 04: Public medical insurance is fulfilling.As a general rule, foreigners working in Japan must pay insurance premiums and take out public medical insurance in the same way as Japanese. As a result, you can receive the same medical services as Japanese. Japan’s public health insurance system (universal public healthcare) is at the top level in the world. There are many countries where there is no system for public medical insurance or in many countries where the system has not yet matured, so there are many foreigners who feel that it is easy to use the full public medical insurance.Advantage 05: There are many attractive things: Culture, Security, and Infrastructure.In recent years, an increasing number of foreigners are interested in Japanese culture, manga, anime, Japanese food and traditional crafts. Many foreigners have the perception of “safety”, “good infrastructure”, “clean cities”, “friendly people” about Japan. Many foreign engineers choose to work in Japan to live in their favorite country.Cons of working in Japan for foreign engineersDisadvantage 01: Possible long working hours.For many years, long working hours have become normal in many Japanese companies, especially in the IT industry. While recent work style reforms have made working hours more appropriate, there are companies unable to reduce working hours. Foreign engineers may feel dissatisfied with overtime, low salaries or not having enough private time.Disadvantage 02: Some companies lack cross-cultural understanding.In Japan, the phrase “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is used. This is one way of thinking, but if you go too far, both workers and employers may not be able to respect the differences between their cultures and lifestyles and may become a problem. When working in Japan, the point is whether you choose a company with a system that can accept different cultures.ConclusionJapanese companies, mainly in the IT industry, are working to hire foreign engineers to increase their competitiveness. Increasing numbers of companies are promoting the internationalization of the internal environment to accept foreign engineers. In the future, the environment where foreign engineers can work easily will improve, and the field where foreign engineers can play an active role will expand more and more.Big events in Japan like the 2019 Rugby World Cup, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games and the 2025 Osaka World Expo, are continuing to be held, and now Japan is attracting worldwide attention. Now that the whole country is showing great excitement, it is the best time for foreigners to work in Japan. If you like Japan and have aspirations to expand your career as an engineer, why don’t you try challenging to find a job or change your job in Japan?






英語で日本の履歴書の書き方を学びたい方はこちら(English Here!)にお願いします。このページでは、日本企業へ就職・転職を行う外国人の方々が、外国人用の履歴書フォーマットをダウンロードでき、簡単に履歴書が作れる方法をご案内します。転職に必要な2つの書類・履歴書と職務経歴書日本企業の求人に応募するときには、一般的には履歴書と職務経歴書という2つの提出書類が必要になります。履歴書(りれきしょ)・・・これまでの経歴(学歴、職歴)や基本情報(名前、生年月日、連絡先など)を伝える書類職務経歴書(しょくむけいれきしょ)・・・これまでの職務経歴(働いた企業や仕事内容、スキルなど)をアピールする書類履歴書で簡単に自分の経歴や基本情報を応募した企業に伝え、職務経歴書で職務経験やスキルを応募した企業にアピールすることになります。このページでは履歴書の書き方を学びます。履歴書は日本特有の書類となり、独特の日本語表現を使うところもあります。しかし、書き方を理解すれば簡単に作成できます。このページでは、外国人向けの履歴書フォーマットを作成しておりますので、ダウンロードを行い、そのフォーマットを使って履歴書を作成していきましょう。※職務経歴書の作り方を学びたい方は以下のページをご覧ください。(ITエンジニア向けの職務経歴書です)【外国人向け】職務経歴書の書き方(サンプルダウンロード)履歴書フォーマットのダウンロードまずは履歴書のフォーマットを以下のボタンからダウンロードをしてください。フォーマットをダウンロードrirekisho_format.xlsx – 31 KB※Excel形式のフォーマットになります。ダウンロードが完了しましたら、ファイルを開いてください。これからフォーマットに沿って履歴書の書き方をご案内します。外国人向け履歴書の書き方履歴書は以下の5つの大きな項目に分けられます。基本情報学歴・職歴免許・資格特技・自己PR・通勤時間など本人希望記入欄1、履歴書の書き方・基本情報基本情報を記入する箇所を説明します。上記の番号①〜⑩の番号に沿って書き方を解説します。①履歴書提出日履歴書を提出する日(年/月/日)を記入してください。※作成した日でも大丈夫ですが、3ヶ月以上前の日付になっている場合は新しい日付に修正してください。②氏名氏名は名前を記入する欄です。上部の「ふりがな」には、ひらがなでご自身の名前を入力してください。下部の「氏名」には、英語もしくはカタカナで記入をしてください。※①でふりがなを記入しているので、英語で記入しても問題ありません。中国や韓国出身の方々であれば、漢字で記入してください。姓(Last Name)を最初に記入し、スペースを開けて名(First Name)を記入してください。※このフォーマットはひらがなで「ふりがな」ですが、違うフォーマットの場合はカタカナで「フリガナ」と書かれている場合もあります。その場合は、カタカナで記入をすることになります。③国籍出身国(国籍)を記入してください。④生年月日(年齢)生年月日は、「(Year)年/(Month)月/(Day)日生」という書き方となります。あなたが生まれたYear/Month/Dayを記入してください。※「生」と最後に付いているのは、「生まれた」という意味です。年齢は、「満(Age)歳」という書き方となります。あなたの年齢をAgeに記入してください。※「満」と最初に付いているのは、現時点の年齢という意味です。⑤性別あなたの性別(Gender)を選んでください。男(Male)、女(Female)のどちらかを○で囲んでください。⑥現住所あなたの現在住んでいる住所を記入してください。<日本国内に住んでいる場合>日本国内に住んでいる場合は、できる限り日本語で記入をしてください。日本語の場合は、上部の「ふりがな」には、ひらがなで住所の読み方を入力し、下部の現住所には日本語(漢字やカタカナなど)で記入をしてください。※住所の数字には「ふりがな」は不要です。<海外に住んでいる場合>英語で現在住んでいる住所をご記入ください。上部の「ふりがな」は不要です。⑦電話連絡が取れる電話番号(携帯電話番号など)を記入してください。海外に住んでいる場合は、国番号も付けるようにしてください。⑧メール連絡が取れるメールアドレスを記入してください。⑨連絡先基本的には入力は不要となり、「同上」と記入だけしてください。同上とは、⑥〜⑧で入力した内容と同じという意味です。企業が連絡をする時に、⑥〜⑧で入力した住所、電話、メールアドレスで問題なければ、「同上」とだけ記入してください。もし、⑥〜⑧以外の住所、電話、メールアドレスを連絡先にしたい場合は、⑥〜⑧と違う住所、電話、メールアドレスを記入してください。⑩写真3ヶ月以内に撮影した正面写真(バストアップ写真)の画像を貼りましょう。帽子などは着用せず、あなたの顔が正面からわかる写真を選んでください。日本では、履歴書の写真は一般的にネクタイを着用する写真が好印象を与えます。履歴書用の写真は駅などに設置されている“証明写真機”や写真スタジオで撮影することも可能です。もし、今持っている写真の中で選びたいという場合は、必ず正面を向き、ビジネスシーンでも違和感がない表情で明るいトーンの写真を選んでください。2、履歴書の書き方・学歴/職歴上記の番号①〜②の番号に沿って書き方を解説します。学歴・職歴の欄は、最初に学歴を時系列で記入し、その後に職歴を時系列で記入してください。学歴を記入するときは、最初の行は「学歴」と記入をし、職歴を記入するときは、最初の行は「職歴」と記入をしてください。そうすることで、応募した企業の人事担当者が履歴書を見る時に、どこに学歴や職歴がが書かれているか見やすくなります。①学歴まずは1行目の中央に「学歴」と記入してください。2行目から学歴を書いていきますが、最終学歴の1つ前から書くのが原則です。最終学歴とは「最後に卒業した学校」ではなく、「最も高い教育機関」のことになります。例えば、大卒の方が、大学を卒業してから日本語学校に入学した場合、大学のほうが教育機関としての水準は高いので、大学の1つ前の学歴(高校など)から書いていきます。学校名は必ず正式名称で記入してください。学部や学科、専攻コースまできちんと書いてください。履歴書の情報でビザの取得や入社手続きが進むので、入学年月や卒業年月はミスがないように記入してください。※学校を中退した場合は「中退」、在学中の場合は「卒業見込み」と記入しましょう。②職歴学歴の下に1行あけて中央に「職歴」と記入してください。最初に入社をした会社から順番に以下を記入してください。その会社に入社した年・月会社名(正式名称)所属部署と役職その会社を退社した年・月と退職理由履歴書においては、退職理由は一般的に「一身上の都合により退職」と記入をします。また、現在在職中の会社の場合は「現在に至る」と記入をします。そして、最後に「以上」と書いて完了します。履歴書フォーマットの右上にも学歴・職歴の欄がありますが、これは学歴・職歴がフォーマットの左側で入りきれない場合に、続きを記入するようにしてください。3、免許・資格“免許・資格”は、正式名称が原則になります。取得年度も正しく記載してください。また、志望する企業で活かせる免許や資格を取得している場合は必ず記入するようにしましょう。免許や資格を何も取得していない場合は「特になし」と最初の行に記入してください。4、特技・自己PR・通勤時間など上記の番号①〜③の番号に沿って書き方を解説します。①特技・自己PRなど“特技・自己PRなど”は、面接で話題になることもあります。そのため、「特になし」と記載したり、空欄にするようなことは避けましょう。スキルの詳細なアピールは職務経歴書で行うので、履歴書では簡潔かつ具体的な内容を記載するように心がけてください。また、マイナスな印象を与えるギャンブルや犯罪を連想させる特技などは記載しないように注意してください。②通勤時間自宅から会社までの通勤時間を記入してください。通勤時間が30分の場合、「約30分」、1時間の場合は「約1時間」と記入してください。現在海外に住んでいる方や、国内でも現住所から通勤できない場所に住んでいる場合は記入不要です。③扶養家族(配偶者を除く)・配偶者・配偶者の扶養義務扶養家族とは、自分の収入で養っている家族のことを言い、被扶養者と呼ばれます。履歴書に扶養家族について記載をする理由は、会社が所得税の計算や健康保険などの社会保険の手続きをする際に扶養家族の情報が必要になるからです。“扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”の項目には、配偶者を除いた扶養家族の人数を記入してください。例えば、配偶者1人、子供3人いる場合、子供を自分の収入で養う場合、配偶者はカウントされませんので、“扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”の項目は3人となります。配偶者も自分の収入で養っている場合でも、“扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”の項目に配偶者はカウントされません。もし、子供が3人いる内、すでに1人は社会人として自分で生計を立てている場合は“扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”の項目は2人となります。“配偶者”の項目には、結婚をして配偶者がいる場合は“有”に◯を付けてください。まだ未婚で配偶者がいない場合は“無”に◯を付けてください。“配偶者の扶養義務”の項目には、配偶者を自分の収入で養う場合は“有”に◯を付けてください。配偶者が働いており、すでに働いている会社で社会保険などに入っている場合は“無”に◯を付けてください。もし、配偶者が働いていても、社会保険にはその会社で入っておらず、自分が就職する会社で社会保険に加入する必要がある場合は“有”に◯を付けてください。5、本人希望記入欄希望条件(仕事内容、勤務地、給与など)を記入しますが、一般的には「貴社規定に従います」と明記するのが原則のルールです。ただし、応募をする時点でどうしても譲れない希望条件などあれば記入するようにしてください。面接で直接希望条件は伝えることができますので、出来る限り「貴社規定に従います」と記入するのが望ましいでしょう。まとめ日本独特の“履歴書”ですが、書き方を学べば非常に簡単に作成できます。応募時に履歴書を必要としない企業もたまにありますが、入社手続き時に履歴書が必要となるケースがほとんどなので、就職・転職活動を開始する時に準備をしておきましょう。外国人ITエンジニアの方で履歴書や職務経歴書のアドバイスが必要であれば、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェント G Talentをご利用ください。



英語で職務経歴書の書き方を学びたい方はこちら(English Here!)にお願いします。このページでは、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントであるG Talentが、転職をお考えの外国人ITエンジニアの方々のために、ダウンロードできる日本語の職務経歴書サンプルを用意し、簡単に日本語の職務経歴書が作れる方法をご案内します。転職に必要な2つの書類・履歴書と職務経歴書日本で企業の求人に応募をするときには、一般的には履歴書と職務経歴書という2つの提出書類が必要になります。履歴書(りれきしょ)・・・これまでの経歴(学歴、職歴)や基本情報(名前、生年月日、連絡先など)を伝える書類職務経歴書(しょくむけいれきしょ)・・・これまでの職務経歴(働いた企業や仕事内容、スキルなど)をアピールする書類このページでは職務経歴書サンプルのダウンロードと作成方法のご案内をします。転職活動をする時に、まず最初に乗り越えなければならないのが職務経歴書の作成です。職務経歴書によって、書類選考をされ、面接まで行けるかどうかが決まります。そのため、わかりやすく、そして自分のスキルがPRできる内容にする必要があります。少し難しく感じるかもしれませんが、書き方を理解すれば簡単に作成できますので、これまでの経験や身につけたスキルを振り返りながら作成してみましょう!※履歴書の作り方は以下のページをご覧ください。【外国人向け】履歴書の書き方(フォーマットダウンロード)職務経歴書サンプルのダウンロードまずは職務経歴書のサンプルを以下のボタンからダウンロードをしてください。フォーマットをダウンロード職務経歴書(Template with English guidance).docx※ Word形式のフォーマットになります。ダウンロードが完了しましたら、ファイルを開いてください。これからサンプルに沿って職務経歴書の書き方をご案内します。ITエンジニア向け職務経歴書の書き方職務経歴書を提出する目的は、応募する企業に自分の職務経歴に興味を持ってもらい、面接の機会を獲得することです。その目的を達成するために、まずは職務経歴書を作成するためのポイント4つを理解しましょう。<職務経歴書の作成ポイント>具体的な業務内容を記入すること(抽象的な内容は避ける)成果なども記入すること(アピールをすること)わかりやすいレイアウト(企業側が見やすいこと)記入内容にミスがないこと(特に入社年月や退社年月はミスがないように注意!)そして、今回ダウンロードしたサンプルで職務経歴書を作成する場合、以下の8つの大きな項目に分けられます。<職務経歴書作成の8つの項目>氏名や提出年月日職務要約職務経歴の概要活かせる経験・知識技術スキル職務経歴資格自己PRこの8つの項目に沿って説明をしていきます。①〜⑤(氏名〜技術スキルまで)まずは以下の①〜⑤の箇所を説明いたします。①氏名や提出年月日右上に氏名と作成年月日を記入してください。作成年月日は職務経歴書を提出する日を記入してください。※常に新しい日付に更新するようにしましょう。企業は一番最新の情報を知りたいので、3ヶ月以上前の日付になっている場合などは新しい日付に修正してください。②職務要約あなたのこれまでの職務経歴を簡単な文章で記入をしてください。企業の人事が職務要約を最初に見ることで、あなたの職務経歴をイメージしやすくなります。③職務経歴の概要あなたがこれまで働いてきた会社に関して、新しい社歴(在籍した会社)から順番に入社〜退社の年月、会社名(正式名称)を簡単に記入してください。※履歴書は古い社歴から順番に記載しますが、職務経歴書においては、経験やスキルをアピールするものであるため、一番最近の仕事内容から順番に書いていきます。留学など企業に在籍をしていない期間がある場合、それも記入しておいてください。長い期間企業に在籍をしていない期間があると、企業の人事にマイナスの印象を与える可能性があります。このようなブランク期間がある場合は、必ずここで記入をしておきましょう。④活かせる経験・知識これまでの職歴で得た経験、知識などでアピールしたいものを具体的に記入しましょう。例えば、アピールしたい経験がある場合、その経験した職種だけではなく、年数も入れることで具体的になります。開発経験においても、得意な言語なども入れることで、どのような言語を使った開発が得意かが具体的になります。⑤技術スキルITエンジニアの場合、OS、言語、フレームワーク、ミドルウェア、ツールなど業務で使用するものに対して、どれくらいの実務経験があるかをわかりやすく伝える必要があります。実務レベルが応募した企業にしっかりと伝わるように記入をしましょう。実務経験がなく、自分で学習をしている言語やフレームワークなどは「自己学習」と記入すると良いでしょう。⑥職務経歴次に以下の⑥の箇所を説明いたします。⑥職務経歴職務経歴は一番重要な箇所になります。記入すべき項目とポイントは以下となります。ポイント1、在籍した会社毎に記入をしてください応募した企業が職務経歴書を見て、どのような事業内容や規模の会社で、どのような部署に所属し、どのくらいの期間働いていたかわかるように以下の項目を記入しましょう。そして、“②職務経歴の概要”と同じく、新しい社歴から順番に上から記入をしてください。会社名(正式名称)在籍した会社で働いた期間(入社年月〜退社年月)その会社の事業内容や従業員数所属部署ポイント2、その会社で携わった仕事内容やプロジェクトの内容を記入しましょう応募した企業が職務経歴書を見て、その会社で、どのようなシステムの開発に携わり、どのような役割で、どのような成果を上げたのかわかるように以下の項目を記入しましょう。そして、プロジェクトごとで区分けをして記入してください。プロジェクトベースの仕事でなければ役割や携わったプロダクト毎で区分けをして記入してください。プロジェクト期間(役割の期間)プロジェクトの概要(簡単にわかりやすく)プロジェクト内の業務内容(箇条書き等でわかりやすく)プロジェクト内で自分が上げた成果プロジェクトで担当した開発フェーズ(設計、開発、テストなど)プロジェクト使った環境(言語、フレームワーク、OS、DBなど)プロジェクトの規模と自分の役割成果に関しては、事業やプロジェクトに貢献できたことを記入してください。プロジェクトが問題なく完了すること、システムの性能やパフォーマンスが上がったこと、周囲のメンバーの業務効率を上げたことなど、必ずしも大きい成果だけではなく、小さいことでも構いませんので、何かしら成果を記入してみてください。成果を記入することで、応募する企業側に成果へのコミットメントの高さをアピールすることにも繋がります。⑦資格・⑧自己PR最後に以下の⑦・⑧の箇所を説明いたします。⑦資格応募企業にアピールできる資格を記入してください。ITに関する資格、語学に関する資格などが実務的な観点でアピールできるでしょう。⑧自己PRこれまでの内容ですでに自己PRはできていますので、簡潔な内容で構いません。改めて自分のスキルや経験・能力が、どのように応募企業に貢献できるかを記入しましょう。もし応募する企業への入社意欲が高い場合、自己PRではなく、「志望理由」を熱く記入するのも良いかもしれません。まとめ以上が外国人ITエンジニア向けの職務経歴書の作成方法となります。職務経歴書で面接に行くチャンスも変わってくるため、就職・転職活動を開始する時に必ず準備をしておきましょう。外国人ITエンジニアの方で履歴書や職務経歴書のアドバイスが必要であれば、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェント G Talentをご利用ください。

Job Hunting Knowledge

How to Write“Shokumu-keirekisho" for Foreign IT Engineers

If you would like to learn how to write a Japanese CV in Japanese, please click Here!In this page, our firm G Talent, specialized in foreign IT engineer’s recruitment, prepared a Japanese CV sample that can be downloaded for foreign IT engineers who are thinking of changing jobs and we will explain how to create it.Two Documents Required for Job-hunting: Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” & Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”When applying for a job in Japan, you will generally need two documents: a Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” and a Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”.Japanese Resume (Rirekisho) – Document that conveys your background (education, work experience) and basic information (name, date of birth, contact information, etc.)Japanese CV (Shokumu-keirekisho) – Document that appeals to the past work experience (company you worked at, job description, skills you used, etc.)On this page, we will guide you to download the Japanese CV sample and how to create your own. The first thing you need to clear before you start job hunting is to create a Japanese CV.Your CV will determine whether you can pass the documents screening and get an interview. Therefore, it has to be easy to understand and the content should promote your skills.It may seem a little difficult, but if you understand how to write it, you can easily create it, so let’s look back on your experience and skills you have learned!※Please click on the following page to see how to make a Japanese resume.How to Write a Japanese Resume (Download Template)Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho” Sample for DownloadFirst, download the sample of the Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho” from the button below.Download Template職務経歴書(Template with English guidance).docx※ Available in Microsoft Excel format.When the download is complete, open the file.From now on, we will guide you through on how to write your CV according to the sample.How to Write the Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho” for IT EngineersThe purpose of submitting your Japanese CV is to get the company interested in your work experience and to get the chance of an interview.To achieve that goal, let’s first understand the four key points to create a great Japanese CV.< Key Points >Fill in with the specific job description. (Avoid abstract content)Specify your achievements (Appeal with your strengths)Choose an easy-to-understand layout (Make it easy for companies to read it)Make sure there are no mistakes when filling it (especially make sure there are no mistakes on the period of employment!)And, if you want to create your CV based on the sample you have downloaded this time, it will be divided in the following eight key elements.< 8 Key Elements of a Japanese CV >Name and Submission dateProfessional SummarySummary of work experienceSummary of experience and knowledgeTechnical skillsProfessional background (work experience)Certifications/LicensesPersonal summary (self-PR)Next, we will describe these eight elements in detail.1~5 (from Name to Technical skills)First, we will explain the following 1~5 points.1.Name and submission DateEnter your name and the creation date in the upper right corner.Please fill in the date in which you will submit your Japanese CV.※Always be careful to update every time to a new date.Companies want the most up-to-date information, so if the date is more than three months old, please correct it to a new date.2.Professional summaryPlease fill out your previous work experience with simple sentences.The first thing that the company’s HR looks at is the professional summary, this part will help them to visualize your past work experience.3.Summary of work experienceFill in all the companies you have worked for, from the newest company (the company you were last enrolled) and in order, enter the employment dates and the official company name.※In case of Japanese Resume, the companies are listed in order from the oldest company. However, in the Japanese CV, since the experience and skills are the ones that should be appealing, it’s important to write them in a different order, which should be from the most recent job description.If there is a period during which you were not enrolled in a company, due to studying abroad, please also indicate this. If you have not been with a company for a long period, it can give a bad impression to the company’s HR.So, if there is a blank period, be sure to enter it here.4.Summary of experience and knowledgeBe sure to enter what you want to make an impact with, like the experience and knowledge you have gained from your previous work experience.For example, if you have an experience that you want to make stand out, be specific not only in the type of job that you experienced, but also by including the number of years. Furthermore, by including the programming languages that you are good at in your development experience, it will make clear on what kind of languages you are good at developing.5.Technical SkillsIf you are an IT engineer, you need to clearly communicate how much practical work experience you have, such as operating systems, languages, frameworks, middleware, and tools. As well, enter the working level to properly convey your skills to the companies that you will apply to.Languages and frameworks that you have no experience with and learned on your own should be labeled as “self-learning.”6.Professional background (work experience)We will continue to explain the element 6.6.Professional background (work experience)The work experience is the most important part. We will describe each entry and all the important points to write it below.#1. Please fill in each company you have worked atFill in the following items, so when the company you applied for reads your Work History, they can understand the past company’s business, size, what department you belong to, and how long you have been working.Additionally, same as in the “Summary of work experience”, fill in all the companies you have worked for, from the newest company (the company you were last enrolled) to the oldest.Company name (Official name)Employment Period (Date of joining- Date of retirement)Company’s Business and number of employeesDepartment#2. Enter the job description and projects you were involved at the companyFill out the following items so when the company you applied looks at your Job History, they can understand what kind of system development, role, and the results you have been achieved at the company.Then, please enter separated each project. If it is not a project-based job, please enter and separate each role or product you were involved with.Project period (Period in each role)Project overview (Easy to understand)Description of the work within the project (Easy to understand with bullet points, etc.)The results you have achieved in the projectDevelopment phase of the project that you were in charge (design, development, testing, etc.)Environment used in the project (programming language, framework, OS, DB, etc.)Project size and your roleRegarding the achievements, please indicate your contributions to the project.Please try to enter not only big accomplishments, but also small achievements, like, whether the project was completed without any problems, if the system’s performance or efficiency was improved or if the efficiency of the surrounding members was improved.By entering your achievements, you will also be able to show the company that you are applying, a high level of commitment to the results.7.Certifications/Licenses & 8.Personal Summary (self-PR)Finally, we will explain the following points.7.CertificationsEnter the qualifications that can be appealing to the company.IT related certificates and language certificates will be appealing from a practical perspective.8.Personal Summary (self-PR)At this point, since the self-promotion has already been done with the previous elements, there is no problem in filling it with simple contents. Write down how your skills, experience, and abilities can contribute to the company you are applying to.If you are highly motivated to join the company you are applying for, it may be a good idea to fill in the reason to join the company and your motivation, rather than your own self-summary.ConclusionWe presented above an effective method for creating a Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho” for foreign IT engineers in Japan. Be sure to be prepared when you start job hunting, since the chances of going to an interview will increase when submitting a Japanese CV.If you are a foreign IT engineer working in Japan and need advice on your Japanese Resume or Japanese CV, please use G Talent, a recruitment agent specialized in foreign IT engineers.

Job Hunting Knowledge

How to Write a Japanese Resume (Download Template)

If you would like to learn how to write a Japanese resume in Japanese, please click here!In this page, you can download the Japanese Resume template for foreigners who are thinking of changing jobs to a Japanese company, we will easily explain how to create it.Two Documents Required for Job-hunting: Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” & Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”When applying for a job in Japan, you will generally need two documents: a Japanese Resume and a Japanese CV.Japanese Resume (Rirekisho): Document that conveys your background (education, work experience) and basic information (name, date of birth, contact information, etc.)Japanese CV (Shokumu-keirekisho): Document that appeals to the past work experience (company you worked at, job description, skills you used, etc.)In your resume, easily share your background and basic information with the company you applied for, then, you will appeal to the companies you applied with your work experience and skills displayed in your Japanese CV.On this page you will learn how to write a Japanese Resume.This kind of Resume is unique to Japan, and sometimes unique Japanese expressions are used.However, if you understand how to write it, you can easily create it.On this page, we have created a Japanese Resume Template for Foreigners, so please feel free to download it and create a resume using this template.※Please click on the following page to learn how to make a Japanese CV “Shokumu-keirekisho”.How to Write“Shokumu-keirekisho” for Foreign IT EngineersDownload Japanese Resume TemplateFirst, download the template of the Japanese Resume “Rirekisho” from the button below.Download Templaterirekisho_format.xlsx – 31 KB※ Available in Microsoft Excel format.When the download is complete, open the file.From now on, we will guide you through on how to write your Japanese Resume according to the sample.How to Write the Japanese Resume for ForeignersThe Japanese Resume is divided into the following five major sections:Basic Personal InformationAcademic/Work HistoryLicenses or QualificationsSpecial Skills, Self-promotion, Commuting Time, etc.Space for Personal Requests1.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Basic Personal InformationWe will explain where to enter the basic information. Also, how to write it in accordance with the above numbers (1 to 10).1.Resume Submission DateEnter the date (year / month / day) in which you will submit your resume.* The date of creation is OK, but if the date is more than 3 months ago, please modify it to a new date.2.氏名 – Full NameThis is the space to enter your name.Enter your name in Hiragana at the top, next to “furigana”.Please fill in your name at the bottom in English or Katakana.* Since the phonetic entry (furigana) is already entered here, there is no problem if you type it in English.If you are from China or Korea, please write in Kanji.First enter your “Last Name”, then leave a space and enter your “First Name”.*In this template “furigana” is written in Hiragana, but in case of using a different format, “furigana” may be written in Katakana. In that case, you will have to fill it in katakana.3.国籍 – NationalityPlease enter your country of origin (nationality).4.生年月日(年齢) – Date of birth (Age)The date of birth is written in the following format “(Year) 年/ (Month) 月/(Day)日生.”Enter the year, month and day you were born in.* The kanji “生” at the end means “born”.The age is written in the following format “満(Age)歳”.Enter your age in this section.* The kanji “満” at the beginning refers to the current age.5.性別 – GenderChoose your gender.Please circle either male (男) or female (女).6.現住所 – Current AddressEnter your current address.<If you live in Japan>If you live in Japan, please enter your address in Japanese as much as possible.In the case of a Japanese address, enter the reading (furigana) of the address in Hiragana at the top, and fill in the current address at the bottom in Japanese (Kanji or Katakana).* “Furigana” is not required for the numbers of the address.Please enter your current address in English.The upper part of the reading (furigana) is unnecessary.7.電話 – Telephone numberEnter a phone number that can be reached (ex. mobile phone number).If you live overseas, be sure to include the country code as well.8.メールアドレス – E-mailPlease enter an email address where you can be contacted.9.連絡先 – ContactBasically, there is no need to input it, just enter “同上”.Same as above refers to the same contents entered in 6 to 8.For when the company contacts you, if there is no problem with the address, telephone, and e-mail address entered from 1 to 8, just write “同上”.If you want to use an address, telephone, or e-mail address other than the stated above, enter the extra address, telephone, and/or e-mail address different from 6 to 8.10.PhotoAttach an image taken from the front (chest-up photo) within 3 months.Don’t wear a hat, and choose a photo that shows your face from the front.In Japan, CV photos are generally wearing a tie to make a good impression.Photos for resumes can also be taken at photo studios and photo booths installed at most stations and other locations.If you want to select one of the photos you have, be sure to look straight ahead and choose a photo with a bright tone that looks professional and presentable.2.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Academic/Work HistoryWe will explain how to write it in accordance with the above numbers (1 and 2).In the space for Academic and Work history, first enter your educational background in chronological order, and then enter your employment history in chronological order.When filling in educational background, please fill in the first line with “Academic Background (学歴)”, and when filling in your work history, please enter in the first line “Work history (職歴)”.Doing so will make it easier for HR professionals at the applied company to see where your academic and work history is written when looking at your resume.1.学歴 – Academic BackgroundFirst, write “学歴” in the center of the first line.The academic background should be written from the second line, but it is a rule to write one before the final academic background. Final education is not the last school graduated, but the highest educational institution.For example, if a university graduate enters a Japanese language school after graduating from university, the university has a higher standard as an educational institution, so the person should write the educational background (high school, etc.) one before the university.Be sure to write the official school name in this field. Write down the department, and major courses.Visa acquisition and joining procedures will proceed according to the information on your resume, so please fill in correctly the enrollment date and graduation date so there is no mistake.* If you drop out of school, write “drop out (中退)”. If you are in school, write “expected graduation (卒業見込み)”.2.職歴 – Work HistoryLeave one line below your educational background and write “Work history (職歴)” in the center.Fill in the following order, starting with the company you first joined.The year and month when you joined the companyCompany name (official name)Department and position titleYear and month when you left the company and reasons for thatIn the resume, the reason for leaving the company is generally written as “Left the company for personal reasons (一身上の都合により退職)”.On the other hand, if you are currently employed, enter “Current (現在に至る)”. Then, finally, write “over (以上)” to complete this section.There is also a space for education and work history in the upper right corner of the resume format.If the education and work history is too large to fit on the left side of the format, please add and fill in the rest.3.How to Write a Japanese Resume – Licenses and QualificationsIn the “Licenses and qualifications(免許・資格)” field is a must to write the official name.Also, enter the acquisition year correctly.If you have a license or qualification that can be used in the company you want to apply for, be sure to enter it.If you do not have any licenses or qualifications, please write “None in particular (特になし)” on the first line.4.Special Skills, Self-promotion, Commuting Time, etc.We will explain how to write it in accordance with the above numbers (1 to 3).1.特技・自己PRなど – Special skills, self-PR, etc.“Special skills, self-promotion, etc.” can be an important topic of conversation in interviews. Therefore, do not leave it blank.The details of your skills will be highlighted in your Japanese CV, so make sure your resume is brief and specific.Also, be careful not to write anything related to criminal activities, like gambling, to avoid giving a negative impression.2.通勤時間 – Commuting timeEnter the commute time from home to work. If commuting time takes 30 minutes, enter “about 30 minutes (約30分)”. If it is 1 hour, enter “about 1 hour (約1時間)”.If you are currently living overseas or living in a place where you cannot commute from your current address in Japan, you do not need to fill out this section.3.扶養家族(配偶者を除く)・配偶者・配偶者の扶養義務 – Dependents (excluding spouse), spouse, spouse’s obligation to supportDependents(扶養家族) are members of a family that are supported by one’s income. The reason for listing your dependents on your resume is that the company will need to know the number of dependents when calculating income taxes and applying for social insurance such as health insurance.In “扶養家族(配偶者を除く)”, the Dependents (excluding spouse) field, enter the number of dependents excluding the spouse.For example, if you have a spouse and three children, or if you maintain your child with your own income, your spouse will not be counted, so the “Dependent (excluding spouse)” number will be three.Spouses are not counted in the “Dependents (excluding spouses)” item, even if the spouse is also being supported on one’s income.If one of the three children is already earning a living as a member of society, there will be two dependents (excluding spouse).In the “Spouse(配偶者)” section, if you are married and have a spouse, check “Yes (有)”. And if you are not yet married and have no spouse, please mark “No (無)”.If you want to support your spouse with your income, check the box for “Yes (有)” in the “配偶者の扶養義務(Spouse Obligation)” section. If your spouse is working and he or she is already working for a company that has social insurance, please mark “No (無)”.If your spouse works, but does not have social insurance at the company and you need to apply for social insurance at the company where you work for your partner, check “Yes(有)”.5.本人希望記入欄 – Space for Personal RequestsFill in the desired conditions (work description, work location, salary, etc.), but in general, it is common to write “I will comply with your company regulations (貴社規定に従います)”.However, please fill out any conditions that you consider essential at the time of the application.It is advisable to fill out “I will comply with your company regulations (貴社規定に従います)”, since you will be able to communicate your desired conditions directly in the interview.ConclusionThe resume used in Japan is quite unique, but it can be created very easily if you learn how to write it.There are some companies that do not need a Japanese Resume when applying, but in most cases, you will need a resume when you start the paperwork for joining the company, so we recommend to be prepared when you start your job hunting. Are you an IT engineer who wish to work in Japan?G Talent is a global employment agency that specializes in offering jobs for international IT engineers who wish to work in Japan. On G Talent, many positions are offered by global companies that are actively hiring international engineers. If you are interested, feel free to talk to our bilingual career consultants.*It is free! You’ll be asked to register first. It takes only 1 minute.