

日本在住の外国人の就職・転職を支援しているGTalentが、外国人がこれから日本で就職・転職をするときに、よくある疑問や不安をQ&A形式にまとめました。これから日本で就職・転職を考えている方々はぜひ参考にしてください!日本就職Q&A!よくある14の疑問と不安!Q1.日本にはどれくらいの外国人が働いていますか?A:2019年10月末時点で1,658,804人の外国人労働者が日本で働いています(参考「外国人雇用状況の届出状況まとめ」厚生労働省)。前年に比べると約20万人も増加しています。日本では人口減少、高齢化社会などの問題により、労働力人口が不足しており、そのため様々な業界では外国人の労働力を積極的に受け入れるようにしています。日本の雇用者数が約6,000万人(2020年3月時点、「労働調査」総務省統計局より)なので、およそ100人に2.7人は外国人労働者となります。Q2.日本で働くためには、何が必要になりますか?A:日本で働くには就労可能なビザの取得が必要になります。ビザの種類によって労働時間なども変わってきますので、事前に東京外国人雇用サービスセンターのWebsite等でビザの種類をご確認されることをお勧めします。日本で正社員として働いている外国人の場合、代表的な就労可能なビザは「技術・人文知識・国際業務」の在留資格となります。また、「永住者」、「日本人の配偶者等」、「永住者の配偶者等」、「定住者」などの在留資格者は、別途就労可能なビザを取得することなく、日本で働くことができます。Q3.日本で外国人が働く場合、どの分野の仕事が多いですか?A:2019年10月末時点では、製造業の割合が29.1%と最も多くなっております。その次にサービス業(16.1%)、小売・卸売業(12.8%)と続きます(参考「外国人雇用状況の届出状況まとめ」厚生労働省)。近年では、日本に訪れる外国人観光客が増加しているため、販売や観光などの仕事で働く外国人が増加しております。その他にも、日本はITエンジニアが不足していることもあり、ITエンジニアとして働く外国人の方々も近年大幅に増加傾向にあります。Q4.日本で働いている外国人は、どこの国の人が多いですか?A:2019年10月末時点の外国人労働者の出身国は、中国41.8万人(25.2%)、ベトナム40.1万人(24.2%)、フィリピン17.9万人(10.8%)の順番となっております。近年はベトナムをはじめとした東南アジア諸国の出身者が特に増加傾向にあります(参考「外国人雇用状況の届出状況まとめ」厚生労働省)。Q5.日本で働いている外国人は、どこの都市に多いですか?A:2019年10月末時点で外国人労働者が働いている日本国内の都市の割合は、東京が26.6%、愛知が8.0%、大阪が7.3%の順となっています(参考「外国人雇用状況の届出状況まとめ」厚生労働省)。やはり、首都である東京で働いている方が非常に多い状況です。Q6.日本で外国人が働く場合、給料は日本人と違いますか?A:日本人と同じ職種、同じポジションであれば、基本的に給料は日本人と変わりません。日本の法律においても国籍に応じて待遇差別はしてはならないことになっています。また、就労可能なビザの取得においても、一部を除き日本人と同等の給与レベルが求められるケースがほとんどになるため、必然的に同じ職種、同じポジションであれば、日本人と同じ給料レベルとなります。Q7.日本で働くには、どのくらいの日本語スキルが必要になりますか?A:職種によって求められる日本語のスキルは異なってきますが、一般的に求められるのはビジネスレベルの日本語能力です(JLPTでN2以上)。しかし、英語教師の仕事や一部のIT企業のエンジニアなどにおいては、日本語ができなくても採用されている外国人の方々はいらっしゃいます。Q8.日本企業で働く時には、「ガラスの天井」という言葉があるように、日本人でなければ主要ポジションに就くことは難しいですか?A:歴史が長く、古い考えの日本企業では、まだそのような考えは残っている傾向は強いです。しかし、グローバルに展開している企業や新興のIT企業においては、外国人が主要ポジションに就いているケースも多くなってきています。グローバルやダイバーシティを推進する日本企業全体にとって、「ガラスの天井」を外すことは課題となっています。また、外国人労働者もここ数年で増えてきているため、これから多くの企業で外国人が主要ポジションとして活躍していくと予想されます。Q9.日本企業の採用の流れはどのような流れになりますか?A:日本企業の採用の流れは他の国とも大きく変わらず、一般的に、書類選考→面接(2〜3回)→オファーとなります。また、場合によっては適正検査を行うも企業もあります。Q10.海外にいながら、日本の仕事を探すことはできますか?A:海外にいながら日本企業と面接を実施することは可能です。特に、ここ最近では選考をオンラインで完了させる日本企業も増加傾向にあります。しかし、多くの日本の企業では、スキルと経験だけではなく、「人柄」も重視しているため、最初の面接はビデオ通話で行うケースはありますが、最終的には日本に行って面接をするケースが多いです。そのため、日本で仕事を探す場合、日本に来て仕事を探す方が、仕事は見つかりやすいでしょう。Q11.日本企業に応募する場合、日本語のレジュメは絶対必要ですか?A:応募した企業によって異なります。日本語能力が求められていない求人においては、応募時には日本語のレジュメは不要になるケースは多いです。しかし、日本語能力を求める求人においては、応募時に日本語のレジュメが必要となるケースがほとんどです。Q12.日本企業の求人で「正社員」と「契約社員」というのをよく見ますが、違いは何ですか?A:主な違いは雇用期間になります。正社員は、就業期間の定めのない無期雇用の働き方となり、契約社員は、就業期間が決められている有期雇用の働き方です。正社員として採用されると、会社の状況や働き方に大きな問題がない限りは、解雇をされる心配はありません。Q13.来日してから仕事を探す場合、どのような方法がありますか?A:外国人の方が日本で仕事を探す場合、求人広告サイトが一番多く利用されます。また、ITエンジニアやマネジメントスキルを持つ専門的な人材に関しては、人材紹介会社を使うケースも多いです。これから日本で就職・転職をされる方は、以下の記事をご参考にご覧ください。ITエンジニア向けにはなりますが、他の職種でも参考になると思います。外国人ITエンジニア向け!日本の就職・転職のコツQ14.ワーキングホリデーで来日し、正社員として働く場合、就労ビザの手続きはどうなりますか?A:ワーキングホリデーから就労可能なビザに切り替える場合、在留資格の新規申請が必要になります。そのため、手続きのために一時的に母国へ帰国をする可能性が高いです(2020年5月時点)。まとめはじめて日本で就職・転職を考えている方々、上記に記載した「Q&A」を是非ご活用をしてみて下さい。もし、ITエンジニアで日本で就職・転職をお考えの方は、外国人ITエンジニア専門の人材紹介会社G Talent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で転職活動をサポートいたします。

Job Hunting Knowledge

How to Answer "Reasons for Leaving Jobs" in Japanese Job Interviews

In the previous article, Common Japanese Job Interview Questions and Best Answers!」, we explained to foreigners abou how to prepare for Japanese job interviews.This time, I would like to explain more details, “Reason for changing/leaving a job” that is absolutely asked during jobs interviews at Japanese companies and how to answer it properly.From the viewpoint of a foreigner who’s changing jobs in Japan, it might seems not very important, but for Japanese companies who want to hire personnel to work with for a long term, the reason for changing jobs or leaving job would be one of the most important questions in job interviews.As understanding what Japanese companies judge based on reasons for changing jobs, make sure that you can answer successfully the questions about job changes/leaving that you will be asked during Japanese companies jobs interviews.What Japanese companies are checking through the reasons for changing/leaving jobsFirst of all, let’s understand why Japanese companies are so concerned about the reasons for changing/leaving jobs and what Japanese companies are seeing through reasons for changing jobs (leaving jobs). There are 3 main points that Japanese companies see through reasons for changing/leaving jobs.Does the applicant work with us for a long term? (Does he/she quit immediately after joining the company?)Can the applicant be highly motivated while working together?Does the applicant take serious your career and growth?We’ll explain these points in detail.1.Does the applicant work with us for a long term?For the first question, “Does the applicant work with us for a long term? (Does he/she quit immediately after joining the company?)”, most of Japanese companies want the people who they hire to work with them for a long period.By listening to the reasons why applicants change their jobs, “If the applicants face something don’t like, will they leave our company?“Will they quite our company for the same reason with their previous company?” are checked.Therefore, in the job interview, it is necessary to answer to satisfy the company that you are willing to work with them for a long period.2.Can the applicant be highly motivated while working together?For the second question, “Can the applicant be highly motivated while working together?”, Japanese companies are checking if the reason of changing/leaving jobs at the current company is firmly resolved and you can work without dissatisfaction or anxiety.Motivation is a very important factor for work performance. If you feel dissatisfied or anxious about the company you work for, you may find it difficult to increase your motivation.When you’re thinking the reasons for changing/leaving jobs, it’s important to realize if changing jobs to the Japanese company you’re applying would solve the reasons and factors that made you decided to leave your current or past job.3.Does the applicant take serious your career and growth?Regarding the third question, “Does the applicant take serious your career and growth?”, Japanese companies are checking whether you quit immediately due to a low awareness of your career and growth regardless of the company you’ve worked for.Poor awareness of careers and growth can be seen as less aggressive and willing to work. I recommend you to think seriously about your future goals and how you want to improve your carrier when you think of the reason of changing/leaving jobs.Key points to answer for reasons of “changing/leaving jobs “You could understand what Japanese companies are checking through reasons of changing/leaving jobs. Next we’ll explain the points you must consider to make a solid reason of changing/leaving jobs based on what Japanese companies are checking through.There are 4 main key points to think about changing/leaving jobs reasons.Always tell the truth!Think positively, job change is an act to improve the current situation!Thinking based on specific cases!Don’t say bad things about your current company (or your previous company)!We’ll explain these 4 key points in details.1.Always tell the truth!The purpose of looking for a new job is “Improve the current situation”. It’s not just about finding a job.If you can’t solve the reason why you want to leave the current company, there would be no reason to change it.Even if you have already quit a job, it wouldn’t mean that you should choose whatever you can work. If you don’t get a job that resolves the reason you left your ex-company, you might quit a job with the same reason.When you tell the truth to the company you apply, you might think that the reason would be negative. However, you can express positively the reason of changing job regardless of whatever reason, if you regard the purpose of changing job as what make you improve better.2.Think positively, job change is an act to improve the current situation!As we mentioned earlier, the purpose of looking for a new job is to improve your current situation. A lot of people only focus into the “occurrences” and “triggers” when they consider the reason of changing/leaving jobs.Instead, when you should think about how the occurrences and triggers for changing jobs can be “improved”.For example, if you’re thinking in change or leave your job because you don’t have a good relation with your boss and you’re not evaluated enough, the reason may be negative in job interviews.In such cases, you can think as followings first.Factor(Why it’s happening?)Improvement measures(How to improve it.)Regarding “Factor”, it would be followings in case of the example(bad relationship with your boss, not evaluated enough). The result of the job your boss wants is different from the result of the job you want(The boss evaluates the process, but you evaluate the results,etc)As I have to do everything exactly as the boss directed, actually I want to work with a certain own discretion.And so on.And then, let’s try to think improvement measures for the factors above in terms of changing job.Hope to grow myself through many chance in working environment on the result basis.Want to get many experiences and make my skills better through a working environment where I can have a certain own discretion. It would make me grow further.These improvement measures above become reasons changing/quitting job.3.Thinking based on specific cases!Using concrete examples is more persuasive when explaining something to people, not just when telling the reason for changing jobs.For example, if you’re looking for a job because of less promotion and low salary due to seniority system in your current job, if you tell as it is in a job interview, the interviewer may think that the causation is due to your low performance.Instead, by telling that even seniors who are active and highly evaluated have few opportunities to get promotion or raise their salaries, it would be more persuasive for the interviewer to understand your situation.When you think your reasons for changing/leaving jobs, Using concrete examples would be more persuasive in job interviews.4.Don’t say bad things about your current company (or your previous company)!Even if you had a bad treatment in your current company or previous company, should avoid saying badly about the company in job interviews. The complaints would make you impress negatively in the interviews.And also, the company which you have the job interview with might be concerned about that you criticize the company as well when leaving.The person who can connect anything to growth will take higher evaluation in terms of honesty and willingness to grow.A case of that you changed or leaved jobs within a short period of timeIn case you changed or leaved a job in a short period of time, there is a possibility that you will be seen as a person who will immediately quit a job anytime when you have something uncomfortable. Let’s keep the following two points in mind when giving reasons for changing jobs in order for you not to be regarded as such a person.Make decisions after considering the risk of leaving in a short period of time.Rather, it’s good for you and the company that hired you to leave in a shorter period.When you leaved a job in a short period of time, most of them are large image gaps before joining the company and after joining the company. When that happens, it’s important to think about whether the image gap can really be resolved, rather than changing jobs or leaving the company immediately.For example, you can talk with the joined company about resolving the image gap, and can think about whether there is a gap that can be resolved by continuing to work.As a result, if the image gap cannot be resolved, it is better for you and your company to change jobs in a short period of time.And if you want to change or leave a job in a short period of time, it is important to keep the above points in mind and tell the reason for changing jobs in job interviews that you will join.ConclusionEven if we look around the world, Japanese company that values reasons for changing jobs or leaving a job in job interviews would be rare. As we explained, it’s due to the Japanese company’s approach to human resources.Even if there are applicants who have great skills and careers, there are some people who will lose the interview because of the reason for changing or leaving their jobs. Therefore, be sure to consider the reasons for changing or leaving a job before going to a job interview.If you would like to learn not only about the reasons for changing jobs but also about how to generally treat Japanese job interview, please see the following articles.Common Japanese Job Interview Questions and Best Answers!If you are an IT engineer looking to change your job and want to take a job interview after taking appropriate advices about job interviews, please register with G Talent, a Japanese recruitment agency specialized in IT engineers. A professional consultant will support you in changing jobs for free.



近年、日本企業ではWEBアプリケーションを開発する際、スクラム開発を含むアジャイル開発が多く見受けられるようになりました。外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントでもあるGTalentにおいても、クライアント企業から依頼がある求人にスクラム開発経験者の要件が増えてきております。今回の記事では、実際に「どのくらいアジャイル型開発が日本で普及されているのか?」、「海外と比べてどの手法が主に使われているのか?」など、海外と比較した日本のアジャイル開発の普及状況を説明したいと思います。ITエンジニアで転職をお考えの方で日本企業の開発手法のトレンドを確認したい方やスクラム開発の日本における使用状況などを知りたい方、ぜひご参考にしてみて下さい。WEBアプリケーション開発手法まずは、現在日本のシステム開発現場で主に使用されている開発手法に関してご説明したいと思います。ウォータフォール型開発ウォーターフォール型開発は、エンジニアの間で一番古くから用いられている開発手法の一つです。アプリケーションに追加される機能全てを以下のような流れで段階1つずつ確認しながら次の工程に進む手法であります。企画 ⇒ 設計 ⇒ 実装 ⇒ テスト ⇒ 納品このようにシステムを1つ作る時に工程で全て分けられているため、修正などが必要な場合には後戻りができないのが最大な特徴であると言えます。この特徴により、スピードよりも、最初からクオリティーが求められるような場合に用いられることが多いです。例えば、業務システムや大規模サービスなど大掛かりなシステム開発で仕様が完璧に決められており、途中で変更する可能性が低いプロダクトや、予算や納期などが定まっていて変更できないプロジェクトなどに使われるケースが多いです。アジャイル型開発ウォーターフォール型とは違い、アジャイル型開発は柔軟な開発方法です。この方法では、プロダクトをできるだけはやくリリースし、そこからどんどん改修を行なっていくことを目的にしています。参照画像:VES(株式会社ヴェス)コラム「アジャイル型開発の重要性とは」アジャイル型では、仕様をある程度決定したら、その後の要件変更や改修を見越して、ビジネスのニーズに合わせて、上記のプロセスを数回繰り返すことによって商品を完成させていくことが最大の特徴であります。スクラム型開発スクラム型開発はアジャイル開発の中でも一番有名な開発手法であり、スクラム開発=アジャイル開発となっているのが日本の企業では一般的です。スクラム型開発はアプリケーション開発で「無駄」をなくすために提案されたアジャイル型開発の一つのフレームワークになります。スクラム型開発の要素スクラム型開発の主な流れを以下に簡潔にまとめてみました。プロダクトの優先順位を決めその順番に従って開発を進める固定の期間(1~4週間、「スプリント」と呼ばれる)で開発を区切り、プランニングを行うデイリーで開発メンバーでタスク管理を行い、スプリント単位でステークスホルダーへレビューを行う①~③を繰り返し、その都度ステークスホルダーに確認・修正点を明確化する納品先ほど述べたように、アプリケーション開発の「無駄」をなくすために用いられている開発方法ですので、プロダクトの終了期間が読みにくいことが特徴であります。日本と海外の開発手法の状況IT関連のシステム開発では全世界で同じ手段が使われていると思っている方が多いかもしれません。日本で使われている開発手法が海外では異なったり、もちろん海外の手法が日本より遅れているケースも少なくありません。これからは、日本と海外におけるアプリケーション開発の手法で何が主流になっているかを述べていきたいと思っています。日本の開発手法ガートナージャパンが行った調査では、日本企業の43%はアプリケーション開発でウォーターフォール型の開発手法を用いられています。この理由としては、日本企業が結果だけにフォーカスするだけではなくて、過程も重視するため、アジャイル型よりウォーターフォール型の方が期間や予算を把握しやすいため選ばれていると思います。ただし、多い人数のエンジニアを確保して作業を行うため、現在ITエンジニアが不足している日本においては、ウォーターフォール型の開発手法を見直す大企業も増えてきています。参照:ガートナー / アプリケーション開発に関する調査海外の開発手法ビジネス向けのカスタムソフトウェア開発を行っているLvivityによると、海外では日本と異なって主流となっているのはビジネスサイドの要望に柔軟に対応できるアジャイル型開発となっています。アジャイル型の中で最も使われいるフレームワークは、顧客や社内のビジネスサイドとチームを組んで定期的なフィードバックを頂くスクラム型開発であります。米国などでは自社内で開発を行っているケースが多いためソフトウエアの変更がしやすい方法が選ばれていると思われます。参照:Lvivity / Software Development Methodologies写真:情報処理推進機構 / 非ウォーターフォール型開発の普及要因の調査まとめ現在、日本と海外で主な開発方法は違いますが、日本でアジャイル型を用いられている企業が年々増加しています。その傾向を考えると、エンジニアとしてキャリアを構築するためには、スクラム型の開発手法を経験しておくことが重要になると考えられます。日本でアプリケーションエンジニアやIT関係への就職・転職を検討される外国人の方がいらっしゃいましたら、外国人ITエンジニア専門の人材紹介会G Talent (ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で就職活動をサポートいたします。



新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大をきっかけに、就職や転職活動の方法も変化が生じてきています。特に大きな変化としては、面接などがオンラインで実施されるケースが増えたことが挙げられます。この記事では、日本のオンライン面接の導入状況、それが転職活動や就職活動に対する影響、オンライン面接を行なっている代表的な企業などについて詳しく説明したいと思います。※こちらの記事を英語にご覧になりたい方は、こちら(English Here!)になります。日本のオンライン面接の状況現在、日本ではどのくらいの企業でオンライン面接が実施されているかご存知でしょうか。リクルートキャリアが2020年3月に実施した調査結果を見ると、中途採用でオンライン面接を既に導入している企業もしくは既にオンライン面接の導入が決定している企業は全体の29.8%とのことです。また、導入を検討している企業も合わせると、全体の半数以上となっています。そのため、近々転職活動や就職活動をする場合、半分以上はオンライン面接で行われる可能性があると言えるでしょう。参照:リクルートキャリア / オンライン採用活動アメリカのオンライン採用の状況それでは、もっともオンライン採用が進んでいると言われているアメリカと比較した場合はどうでしょうか。人材採用ソフトウェアを提供するアメリカのIdeal社によるアンケート調査では、アメリカでは63%の人事マネージャーがオンラインで面接を行なっている結果となっています。参照:The 38 Top Recruiting Software Tools Of 2020オンライン面接の先進国アメリカと比べて日本はまだオンライン面接の普及率が遅れてはいますが、新型コロナウィルスの影響が採用活動のオンライン化を確実に加速させ、今後ますますオンライン面接が増えていくと考えられます。オンライン面接のメリット・デメリット今後オンライン面接が増えていくため、改めてオンライン面接のメリットとデメリットについて整理したいと思います。メリット面接場所まで移動する必要がないリアルの対面ではないためリラックスした状態で臨める面接場所まで移動する必要がないオンラインで行うため、わざわざ面接予定の企業のオフィスに出向く必要がないため、移動時間の節約ができて移動の労力も減らすことができます。移動時間が節約できる分、日程調整もやりやすくなり、スムーズに企業の選考に参加ができるようになります。リラックスした状態で臨める面接官と直接会う際に、気持ち的に余裕がある人もいればそうでない人もたくさんいらっしゃると思います。緊張している中で面接に臨むと、思ったような回答ができなくなったり、せっかくのチャンスを失う場合も少なくはありません。オンライン面接の場合、その場の雰囲気などを気にせず、面接にしやすい環境とも言えるでしょう。デメリット以下には、求職者に対してのオンライン採用のデメリットについて説明していきたいと思います。面接官の雰囲気や反応が読みにくいオフィスの雰囲気がわからないネットワークトラブル面接官の雰囲気や反応が読みにくい実際に対面するわけではないので、面接官の表情を読み取ることがどうしても難しくなります。実際の対面であれば、ただ頷いているだけでも話を聞いてると相手は感じられますが、オンライン面接の場合、ただ頷いているだけでは相手に反応は伝わりません。そのため、オンライン面接のやり方をわかっていない面接官の場合、特に雰囲気や反応が読みにくくなります。オフィスの雰囲気がわからない就職・転職活動を終了させるときに、一つの大きな決め手として「オフィスの雰囲気」があります。一般的な採用活動では説明会や面接の際に企業を訪問する回数を重なることによって、応募先の雰囲気が少しずつわかってきます。もう一方では、オンライン面接では、面接官と求職者が最初の段階から1対1になっているため、オフィス全体の雰囲気はつかみにくいものがあります。一部の企業では、このようなデメリットを改善するために採用サイトにオフィスの雰囲気がわかる動画などを掲載することで、応募者がオフィスの雰囲気を理解できるように工夫をしています。ネットワークトラブルオンライン面接の場合、インターネットのネットワーク環境が悪いと、なかなかうまく接続されず、質問が聞きにくかったり、答えてもうまく伝わらないリスクがあります。また、最悪の場合はそもそも接続ができず、そのまま面接時間が終わってしまうケースもあります。そのため、オンライン面接の場合は必ず事前にネットワーク環境を確認するようにしましょう。もし万が一、オンライン面接中に突然回線が切れたり、相手の声がよく聞こえなかったり、映像がフリーズしたり等の予期せぬ出来事が生じた場合は、慌てずに企業の採用担当窓口に直接電話を掛け状況を説明するようにしましょう。また、会社によっては事前にインストールが必要なソフトウェアを使用している場合もありますので、その場合は事前にインストールをするようにしましょう。完全オンライン採用を導入した企業日本の代表的な企業のオンライン面接やAIの活用状況を数社ご紹介していきたいと思います。トヨタ:新卒採用でオンライン面接導入、会わずに内定も!ソフトバンク:面接にAI導入することによって、面接への所要時間を75%削減三菱商事:面接の80%は自宅から参加、最終面接のみ対面式三井住友海上火災保険:全てオンライン面接で内定まで日本を代表する大手企業ですら、面接をオンラインで実施し、そのまま内定まで出す動きが活発になってきています。就職活動や転職活動をする方は、これまで以上に興味を持った企業の選考に参加がしやすくなるでしょう。まとめ今回、ご紹介させていただいた、日本のオンライン面接の状況についての記事はいかがでしたでしょうか。採用活動のオンライン化という点で、先進国とはまだ差が大きい日本ではありますが、コロナウィルスの影響をきっかけに普及のスピードが増していっています。日本国内に住んでおらず、海外に住んでいる場合においても、これまで以上に日本で仕事を探す方法は簡単になると思います。日本で就職・転職を希望するITエンジニアの方々、仕事をお探しの場合は、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントGTalent (ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で転職・就職活動をサポートいたします。


Cashless and Electronic Payments Services in Japan

GTalent, a job-hunting and job-changing agent for foreigners, hear from foreigners who come to Japan for work, such as “Can we still only use cash in Japan?” “Is there a place where cashless services can be used in Japan?”From foreigners coming to Japan, it’s very anxious that they don’t know what can be used as a payment method when they buy something.In this article, We would like to introduce how much cashless society is in Japan compared to overseas, and the recommended cashless payments that can be used in Japan.Status of cashless payments in Japan and overseasCashless payment situation in JapanAccording to data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the diffusion rate of cashless payments in Japan was less than 20% as of 2016, which is low compared to other developed countries.Reference:Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry/ Current status and significance of cashlessAlso, according to this Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry material, the reasons why cashless payment is not prevalent in Japan are as follows.Reassurance for the cashMany choices of paymentReassurance for the cashUnlike overseas, there is almost no distribution of counterfeit bills in Japan. Therefore, life is based on the assumption that the received banknotes are genuine.the distribution of counterfeit bills has become a major social issue overseas, and the expanse of cashless payments was essential to reduce the distribution of counterfeit bills. In Japan, the distribution of counterfeit bills is lower than overseas and it is said to be one of the reasons for the slow spread of cashless payments.Many choices of paymentThere are various methods of cashless payments that are mainly used in different countries. For example, in South Korea, credit card is the most commonly used cashless payment method. In China, QR code payments such as “Alipay” and “WeChat Pay” are the mainstream.In Japan, unlike China or other cashless top countries, many companies offer cashless payment methods, and there are various options such as PayPay, Merpay(Mercari), and LINE Pay even in only QR code payments. Nothing of mainstream service causes the slow penetration of cashless payment in Japan.Cashless payment situation at OverseasAs mentioned above, according to the Data of the Ministery of Economy, Trade and Industry , South Korea, the United Kingdom, and China (96.4%, 68.6%, 65.8%) have prevailed the cashless society much more than Japan(19.9%).Overseas, the government has led the promotion of cashless payments, reducing the opportunity of counterfeit bill circulation and the cost of issuing new bills.In Japan, it is difficult for the government to penetrate the people with political force, and because many elderly people have a strong resistance to cashless settlement, the introduction is not progressing well.Advantages and Disadvantages of Cashless Payment in JapanAdvantages of cashless payment in JapanFrom now on, We would like to introduce some of the advantages of using cashless payment in Japan.Reduce the waste of Counting CashAbundant Points and BenefitsAlthough there are similarities with other countries, each company has unique points and benefits, we can say it is a characteristic of Japan.Reduce the waste of counting cashIn Japan, not only bills but also small changes are used, so when cash is used for accounting, it is surprisingly time-consuming to count cash.。Within the case of cashless payments such as credit cards and contactless payments, you do not need to count the cash, so you would be able to omit this little action and perform smooth accounting.Abundant Points and BenefitsAmong companies that provide cashless payment services, points can be provided and campaign benefits can be used according to the amount spent.For example, there are benefits such as discounts on products and travel tickets, payment with possession points, etc.Especially in Japan, each store often has its point system. Its own “point card” is often issued. Therefore, in Japan, point cards often accumulate in the wallet when you notice it.This trend does not change even for cashless payments, each payment company has its points for cashless payments, and each of them has tie-ups with different retail stores, so there are many various points and discounts for consumers in Japan. These often confuse consumers.Disadvantages of Cashless Payment in JapanBelow, We would like to introduce the main disadvantages of cashless payment in Japan.Limited number of stores that we can use cashless paymentLack of seamless links with bank accountsSecurity concernsLimited number of stores that we can use cashless paymentIn recent years, the number of stores handling cashless payments has increased little by little, but according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the diffusion rate in Japan is still below 20%. In other words, there are limited places available.( Data of the Ministery of Economy, Trade and Industry )Also, the cashless payment service in Japan is assumed to have a higher fee for member stores than other countries, and many stores can only accept cash. Even some major retailers have not yet introduced cashless payments.There are numerous types of cashless payments, so it is necessary to confirm whether you can make cashless payments and what kind of cashless payments you can use before entering the store.Lack of seamless links with bank accountsIn Japan, debit cards are less popular than in other countries, and in most cases, even with electronic payments using smartphones, which are necessary to bother charging from a bank account and linking with a credit card.Also, depending on the electronic payment application on the smartphone, the bank or credit card company that is linked may be different, so even if you set it up, you can rarely use the bank account you own.Therefore, when using the electronic payment service on smartphones, it takes time and effort to set up and link and many people give up during registration.Security concernsNot only cashless payment but also many useful services are emerging with the development of IT, but the most important thing is the “security” when using these services.By using cashless payment, your registration information may be obtained illegally, and “fictitious billing” or “leak of personal information” may occur.Even in Japan, in the cashless payment service started by Seven-Eleven, the largest convenience store, registration information was obtained illegally, and many people were billed that they could not remember.There are few counterfeit bills in Japan, but cashless payment services are behind other countries, and numerous companies have joined the cashless payment service and some companies are still worried about security.Cashless Payments that can generally be used in JapanIn the table below, We would like to introduce some cashless payment services that can be used in Japan.Credit CardsDebit CardsContactless ICQR code Payment                        The most cashless payment method used in Japan still been the credit card payment. Although debit cards have become more popular than before, they are still rarely used, and more recently, contactless ICs and QR payments are increasingly used.ConclusionJapan is still an inconvenient country when it comes to cashless payments, although in 2019, the government also started to promote cashless payments with a strong focus. Thanks to that, the spread of QR codes payments such as PayPay and LINE Pay is accelerating to prevail.For foreigners coming to Japan from now on, please refer to the cashless payment that can be used in Japan in advance through this article.





Work Visa Application in Japan for Freelancers

The phrases “Work from home” and “remote work” has been introduced in many Japanese companies, and the talent acquisition is not always about hiring full-time employees(Seishain). The methods of hiring labor is diversified in each company such as contracting self-employed workers, freelancers in Japan.According to this situation, the number of opportunities to hire foreigners in the form of outsourcing increases progressively. In these days, We ,GTalent, receive many questions about work visas from many self-employed workers, freelancers and the companies hiring them.At this article, We would like to explain in detail about how to apply for a work visa in the case of the outsourcing contracts as a self-employed worker and a freelancer.Work visa application with an outsourcing contractYou need to apply for a working visa even at the time of an outsourcing contract as a self-employed worker and a freelancer as well as the case of full-time employed(Seishain) .However, you should be careful when having several outsourcing contracts with several companies.If you have several outsourcing contracts with multiple companies, you must ask the company which you get the highest salary in the outsourcing contracts to apply for a working visa.Therefore, be sure to check which companies contracting with you pay the highest salary to you.Important Points when applying for a working visa with outsourcing contractIf you execute an outsourcing contract with a Japanese company, the following points are essentials to obtain a working visa.Appropriate outsourcing contract under the Labor Law of JapanLong-term contractDo paying the tax, pension and social security procedures by yourselfThese important points are followings in details.Appropriate outsourcing contract under the Labor Law of JapanTo apply for a working visa, you need to attach the outsourcing contract. If the content is inappropriate under Japan’s labor law, you may not be able to obtain a working visa application permission. Therefore, be sure to specify the appropriate remuneration and terms of the contract in the outsourcing contract.Long-term contractEven when outsourcing, you need to have a long-term contract as well as applying for a working visa under a full-time employment contract.If the contract period is only 1 to 2 months, you may not be able to get permission to apply for a working visa.However, even if the contract period is short, if the contract is automatically renewed unless there is a big problem, it may be possible to obtain a visa application permission.Do paying the tax, pension and social security proceduresIf you are a self-employed worker, you have to pay the tax, pension and social insurance by yourself as well as Japanese self-employed worker. If you don’t understand how to do so, be sure to check the website of National Tax Agency, Ministry of Finance Japan and so on.ConclusionNowadays more and more people are starting to work as freelancers, and the tendency will increase from now on so that companies can hire a various talent through flexible employee tyme.Particularly in the IT/WEB industry, many engineers are increasingly outsourcing their work as freelancers. Also, the number of foreign IT engineers is currently increasing in the IT/WEB industry, and it is thought that not only Japanese IT engineers but also foreign IT engineers will start to work like freelances more and more.IT engineers who are looking for work or change jobs for a Japanese company, please register with G Talent ,a recruitment agency specializing in IT engineers. A professional consultant will support you in changing jobs for free.

Social insurance & Welfare

Housing and Rent Allowance at Japanese Companies

When a foreigner starts working in Japan, it is important the company they will work for. Then it comes another important point, that is the place where they will live. It is common to rent an apartment in places where you can easily go to work, but there are other options as well, and some companies can reduce the burden of housing costs with their peculiar welfare system.This time, we will explain what you should know about welfare-related housing allowance at Japanese companies if you live in Japan.Japan’s Housing Subsidy System that Reduces the Burden of Housing CostsHousing costs are a major part of living expenses. Foreigners living in Japan for the first time do not know the rent market, so various concerns will arise. For reference, we will introduce the rent market price in Tokyo.Rental market price in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, ChibaAccording to the “2018 Survey of Housing and Land Statistics, Basic Tabulation on Houses and Households” (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, September 30, 1980), “Rents / rents per month” for three prefectures in Tokyo are It is like.・ Tokyo: 81,001 yen・ Kanagawa Prefecture: 68,100 yen・ Saitama Prefecture: 59,358 yen・ Chiba: 57,421 yenThe Tokyo metropolitan area is out of the 80,000-yen range, the next highest is Kanagawa prefecture with about 68,000 yen, and the Saitama and Chiba prefectures are in a 50,000 yen range. Many companies are concentrated in Tokyo, so those who want to live close to work should be prepared for those rent expenses. Of course, there are many Japanese who live in Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba and go to work in Tokyo. For foreigners who want to reduce their rent, or who want to prioritize the size and layout of their homes, one option is to find a home in one of the three neighboring prefectures.Work with peace of mind at a company with a housing allowance!Many Japanese companies have a housing subsidy program as part of their welfare. For example, “Company A with a monthly income of 300,000 yen and no housing subsidy” or “Company B with monthly income of 270,000 yen and half of rent as housing subsidy”, which is the most attractive company? From a medium- to long-term perspective, you may be able to judge that “it is better to choose Company B”. So, when choosing a company in Japan, be sure to judge not only the salary but also the availability and content of the housing allowance system.What Kind of Housing Allowance Systems Exist?In general, Japanese companies provide a certain amount of monthly payment to employees who meet the conditions stipulated by the company, but there are several other patterns. Let’s explain about the general housing assistance system.01: Rent subsidy (Housing allowance)The most common housing assistance system is rent subsidy (housing allowance). Rent subsidy is a welfare program in which the company pays a portion of the employee’s housing expenses as an allowance. It is provided for the purpose of subsidizing rent for employees living in rental housing and subsidizing mortgages for employees living in their own homes. Even if there is a rent subsidy system, the terms and conditions of payment vary depending on the company.02: Rented company houseBorrowed company housing is a system in which employees live in houses rented by the company. It is common for a company to rent a property and collect a portion of the rent from the resident employee. The benefit is that the company pays a fixed percentage of the rent, so it can be cheaper to live in there than renting it yourself. In the past, it was common for companies to lease entire buildings and lend each house to employees, but recently employees often search for properties within the conditions and rent them under the company name.In addition, in the case of the rent subsidy described above, since it is paid on top of the monthly salary, the tax burden and insurance premium burden on employees will increase accordingly. On the other hand, rented company housing means that employees pay a fixed rent to the company, so there is no increase in tax burden or insurance burden.03: Dormitory for employeesAn employee dormitory is a building owned by the company for the residence of employees. Some dormitories are furnished and provide a telephone line, and some are equipped with meals (meals are offered cheaply). When you move in, you pay a fixed amount of rent, but you can use it for a much lower price than renting a nearby property yourself.However, employee dormitories have been declining in recent years due to the increasing number of employees who do not use dormitories even if they have dormitories, and the fact that many buildings were built during the period of high economic growth and are aging. As a result, finding a company with a dormitory could be difficult.Examples of Japanese Companies Housing SubsidiesThe housing subsidy system is a non-statutory welfare that is provided by the company, so some companies do not have this system. According to the “Comprehensive Survey on Working Conditions in 2015” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), 45.8% of all companies provide some housing allowance. By industry, IT and other information and communications businesses accounted for 56.0%, indicating that more than half of companies provided housing allowances.Of course, even if you have a housing subsidy system, the details will vary from company to company. For reference, examples of the conditions and amount of payment of the housing assistance system are explained below.Payment conditions for rent subsidies (Housing allowance)There are many cases where “distance” from the company is the condition for rent subsidy, such as ” ¥¥ monthly for employees living within ◯ km from the company.” The distance from the company varies depending on the company, such as 1.5 km, 2 km, 3 km, and 5 km. Some companies use the “number of stations” as a condition, such as “within ◯ stations from the nearest station to the company” instead of the distance.In addition, some companies provide rent subsidy after 3 years of joining the company, as a condition of rent subsidy regardless of where they live.Payment of rent subsidy (Housing allowance)According to the “2015 Survey on Working Conditions” (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare), data indicate that the average amount of housing allowance per person is 17,000 yen. By industry, the information and communications industry, including IT, was ¥ 25,312, much higher than the average.The actual amount of payment is set widely by the company, such as 15,000-yen, 30,000 yen, and 50,000 yen. In addition, there are companies that define it as “50% of rent”. However, in this case, there is often a limit.Due to the shortage of human resources in the IT industry in recent years, more companies are introducing new rent subsidy systems or increasing the amount of rent subsidies to acquire excellent human resources.Size and layout of rented company house and employee dormitoriesThe size and layout of rented company house and employee dormitories may vary from company to company. It usually depends entirely on whether the resident is single or married.The company dormitories and employee dormitories where single employees are occupied generally are one-room size, 1K, or 1DK floor plans, with rooms ranging from 6 to 8 tatami mats (10 to 14 square meters). For rented company housing and employee dormitories where married employees are occupied by 3 to 4 family members, it is common to arrange a layout of about 2DK to 3LDK. The average goes from 19.4㎡ to 23.4㎡.ConclusionForeigners working in Japan for the first time want to keep their expenses as low as possible until work is on track and life is stable. In this regard, companies that have systems such as rent subsidies (housing allowances), rented company housing and employee dormitories can help reduce the rent burden. When researching Japanese companies, be sure to check if there is a housing subsidy in the benefits.If you have a rent subsidy (housing allowance), be sure to check the payment conditions. For example, if “3 years of service” is a condition, you will not be able to receive assistance for the time being. In some cases, it is not eligible for payment. Be sure to check with your HR representative if you have any questions.

Career Development

WEB Application Development Methods in Japan

In recent years, Japanese companies have come to see a lot of agile development including scrum development when developing web applications.Even in GTalent, which is a Japanese recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers, the requirements for people who have experience in Scrum development are increasing for job offers requested by our client’s companies.In this article, “How much agile development is prevalent in Japan? and “Which method is mainly used compared to overseas?”. We would like to explain the prevalence of Japanese agile development compared to overseas.If you are an IT engineer thinking about changing jobs and want to check the trends of Japanese company development methods or, if you want to know the usage situation of Scrum development in Japan, please use it as a reference.WEB Application Development MethodsFirst, We would like to explain the development methods that are used mainly in Japanese system development sites.Waterfall Model DevelopmentWaterfall development is one of the oldest development methods used by engineers. It is a method to proceed to the next process while checking all the functions added to the application step by step according to the following flow.Requirements ⇒ Design ⇒ Implementation ⇒ Verification ⇒ MaintenanceIn this type, all of the processes are divided when making one system, so the biggest feature is that you cannot go back if you need to make corrections. Due to this feature, it is often used when quality is required from the beginning rather than speed.For example, it is used for products whose specifications are completely determined by large-scale system development such as business systems and large-scale services, and which are unlikely to be changed in the middle, or projects which delivery date or fixed budgets.Agile Model DevelopmentUnlike the waterfall type, agile type development is a flexible development method. The objective of this method is to release the product as quickly as possible and then proceed to improve it.Reference image: Medium.com / Agile&Waterfall Model DevelopmentWith the agile model, once the specifications have been decided to a certain extent, the greatest feature is to complete the product by repeating the above process several times in anticipation of subsequent requirement changes and modifications and according to the needs of the business.Scrum type developmentScrum type development is the most famous development method among agile development, and for Japanese companies scrum development = agile development.Scrum development is one framework for agile development that has been proposed to eliminate “waste” in application development.Elements of Scrum-Model DevelopmentThe basic flow of scrum-model development is briefly summarized below.Prioritize products and proceed with development in that orderThe process is done by separating development within a fixed period (1 to 4 weeks, this period is called “Sprint”)The task is managed by the development members daily, and reviews are made to stakeholders in sprint units.Repeat steps above 1 to 3, and make confirmations and corrections to the stakes holder each time.Deliver the productAs mentioned earlier, this is a development method used to reduce the “waste” of the process of application development, so it is difficult to read the end period of the product.Status of Development Methods in Japan and OverseasMany people could think that the same method is used in IT-related system development all over the world. There are some cases where the development methods used in Japan are different overseas, and of course, they’re cases the overseas methods are slow than Japan.From now on, We would like to talk about what is a mainstream in application development methods in Japan and overseas.Japanese Development MethodsAccording to a survey conducted by Gartner Japan, 43% of Japanese companies use a waterfall type development method for application development.One of the reasons for this is that Japanese companies focus not only on the results but also on the process, another one is they think that the waterfall type is easier to grasp the period and budget than the agile type. However, to secure a large number of engineers to carry out the work, in Japan, where IT engineers are currently in short supply, big companies are reconsidering the waterfall type development method.Translation from Japanese to English at above graph.ウォーターフォール型開発手法 → Waterfall Developmentアジャイル型開発手法 → Agile Development反復型開発手法 → Iterative and Incremental DevelopmentIT部門関与しないビジネス主導の開発 → Business-led development without IT involvementReference :Gatner Japan / Application Development SurveyOverseas Development ethodsAccording to Lvivity, which develops custom software for business, the mainstream overseas, unlike Japan, is agile development, which can flexibly satisfy the demands of the business side.The most popular agile framework is Scrum development, which teams up with customers and the business side of the company to get regular feedback. In the US and other countries, there are many cases where in-house development is performed, so it seems that the method that allows easy software changes is selected.Reference:Lvivity / Software Development MethodologiesConclusionThese days the main development methods are different between Japan and overseas, but the number of companies using agile type in Japan is increasing year by year. Given that tendency, it seems important to have experience with Scrum-type development methods to build a career as an engineer.If you are an application engineer or a foreigner who is looking for IT-related jobs in Japan, please register with G Talent, a recruitment agency specializing in foreign IT engineers. A professional consultant will support you in changing jobs for free.


