

COVID-19のパンデミックの中で、ますますモノのインターネットと呼ばれるIoT(Internet of Things)が注目を浴びています。IoTの発展により、あらゆるデバイスがインターネットと繋がることで、自宅にいながらでも問題なく仕事をすることができるようになりました。IoTではハイテクスマートフォンからウェアラブルデバイスまで、あらゆるタイプの装置を接続します。デバイスが情報を収集して分析し、収集した情報を使うことでデバイスができることが広がり、これまでになかった利便性を提供することができるようになっています。そして、自動車や家電製品など世界有数のデバイス技術を誇る日本は、IoTシステムを活用した最先端のデバイス開発が行われており、IoT開発エンジニアを目指す人にとって魅力的な国と一つと言えるでしょう。今回の記事では、モノのインターネット(IoT)の歴史と全体的な影響力、COVID-19の危機下での意義、IoT開発者・エンジニアの具体的な役割について解説します。IoTの歴史と普及モノのインターネット(IoT)という概念は70年代からありますが、この用語を最初に作ったのはプロクター・アンド・ギャンブル社のケビン・アシュトン氏(Kevin Ashton)です。アシュトン氏は、サプライチェーン最適化のために、RFID(無線周波数識別)と呼ばれる新技術についてのプレゼンテーションを行っていました。アシュトン氏は、RFIDを「モノのインターネット」と呼び、1990年代にはインターネットが大流行していたことから、皆の注目を集めていました。それ以来、IoTは、グーグルのような技術的大国の辞書の一部となっています。この言葉はフォーブスやワイアードなどのメディアにも取り上げられ、IoTの人気の高さを物語っています。IoTはどこにでもあり、私たちが知らないうちに、その自動化されたシステムに毎日にアクセスしています。例えば、ホームセキュリティシステムは、不正侵入などの家の周りの不審な動きをユーザーに伝えるためにIoTを使用します。さらに目をベースとした識別を介して、所有者の進入を許可します。自動車では、主に駐車センサーやアダプティブクルーズコントロールにIoTが活用されており、運転をより快適で安全なものにしています。ヘルスケア業界でさえ、患者の状態を評価して監視することに加えて、健康上の問題を検知することにIoTを利用しています。さらに、モノのインターネットは、人々の安全と安心だけに留まらず、工場の製造プロセスをより最適化することも可能にします。IoTによって経営者は、工場がどれだけのエネルギーを使用しているか、どの製品をリサイクルできるか、現在の在庫数はどれくらいか、一日の生産性はどれくらいかを知ることができます。これらすべてを利用することで、オーナーはコストを効果的に削減し、工場のどの部分を改善する必要があるかを特定することができます。もっと大きな規模では、都市はコミュニティ全体に高速インターネットを提供することでIoTを活用しています。IoTは、都市計画部門を発展させ、公衆衛生や交通などの問題に焦点を当てることで、都市が将来に向けてより持続可能なものになることを可能にしています。サーモスタット(毎月の使用量を追跡する)、目覚まし時計(スマートフォンやコンピュータを介してアラームを設定する)、さらには自動販売機(リアルタイムのデータを使用して最も需要のある製品を特定し、より良い利益のために価格を調整する)のような一般的なものにもIoTは使われています。モノのインターネットがコロナウイルスとの戦いにどのように役立つかご存知の通り、COVID-19の危機は世界全体の日常を変えてしまいました。世界中の人々が「新しい日常」に適応することを余儀なくされており、コロナウイルスの状況というルールの下で日常業務を安全に続けようとする上で、モノのインターネットは重要な役割を果たしています。IoTは、感染の疑いがある人や感染した人を追跡するために活用されており、公共の安全を確保する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしています。他の地域では、政府が動きを監視できるように、市民に対応するQRコード付きのリストバンドが配られています。COVID-19の患者数が世界的に多いため、多くの病院は今、コロナウイルスに関連する問い合わせに答えるためにIoTを活用しています。そのため、わざわざ医療センターに行って尋ねる必要がありません。インターネットで、地元の病院のウェブサイトを調べるだけで、自動化されたチャットボットがコロナウイルス関連の質問に答えてくれます。また、モノのインターネットのおかげで、家から出なくても、コミュニケーションをとり、会いに行くことができます。遠く離れた家族、友人、同僚、さらにはかかりつけの医師や医師とのビデオ会議を音声コマンドを使って開始することができるようになりました。IoT開発者・エンジニアの役割と責任世界の現状があるからこそ、今、IoTの開発者やエンジニアがこれまで以上に必要とされています。今後の技術の進化は、わたしたちの未来の安全を確保するものになる可能性が非常に高いです。日本は、昔から技術産業国であるため、こうしたIoTの専門家が求められてきました。では、彼らは具体的に何をしているのでしょうか。まず、常にロボットを使った実験を行っています。モノのインターネットのコンセプトは、2つのデバイスを相互に通信させることであるため、IoTの開発者やエンジニアは、人間の手を借りなくても簡単に指示やタスクを処理できるような機械を作り、開発するために最善を尽くしています。また、日本のIoTエンジニアや開発者は、常に最新の情報を入手し、最新のソフトウェアに精通しておく必要があります。企業は常に最高のものだけでなく、最先端の技術を生み出す競争をしているので、一般の人には馴染みのない素材を使って製品を作っています。また、既存の技術の中には、その上に構築してさらに発展させることができるものもあるため、古いソフトウェアに対する知識も必要となります。さらに、この国のIoTエンジニアや開発者は、データ分析に長けている必要があります。バッチ並列処理、複雑なイベントの処理、機械学習の実装、データの可視化などの幅広いバックグラウンドが求められます。日本のIoTエンジニアや開発者は、スマートフォンやタブレット、パソコンを介してIoTを利用するユーザーが増えているため、モバイルやウェブのユーザーアプリケーションに精通しています。iOSとAndroidはスマートフォン業界のトップ2のOSであるため、iOSとAndroidに精通しています。また、WebユーザーアプリケーションのためのJava、.NET、HTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHPを深く理解しています。まとめIOTの技術は、わたしたちの生活をより便利にしてくれるものであるため、モノのインターネットの人気の高まりは、今後も高まっていくと考えられます。現在、COVID-19の危機の下では、IoTシステムを搭載したデバイスが危機に対処するための重要なツールであることが証明されています。IoTエンジニアや開発者の専門知識は、安全対策におけるより多くのイノベーションにつながり、うまくいけばCOVID-19パンデミックを間もなく克服することが可能になるかもしれません。IoTエンジニアや開発者になることに興味がありますか?あなたの夢の仕事が日本で待っているかもしれません。Sources:https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/I/internet_of_things.html#:~:text=Examples%20of%20objects%20that%20can,systems%2C%20vending%20machines%20and%20more.https://www.wired.co.uk/article/internet-of-things-what-is-explained-iothttps://www.businessinsider.com/internet-of-things-devices-exampleshttps://iot-analytics.com/internet-of-things-definition/#:~:text=But%20the%20actual%20idea%20of,during%20his%20work%20at%20Procter%26Gamble.https://www.iotforall.com/the-growing-role-of-iot-in-covid-19-response/https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/263/4/042026/pdfhttps://builtin.com/internet-things/iot-in-vehicleshttps://builtin.com/internet-things/iot-exampleshttps://www.persistent.com/industries/industrial/offerings/smart-electronic-appliances-ecosystem/https://iotdunia.com/smart-thermostat/https://www.instructables.com/id/IoT-Smart-Alarm-Clock-Open-Source-Project/https://www.telit.com/industries-solutions/retail/vending-and-kiosk/https://www.autodesk.com/industry/manufacturing/resources/mechanical-engineer/iot-internet-of-things-essentials-for-engineershttps://ncube.com/industries/iot



今回は宇宙ビジネス業界の各分野において注目を浴びている日本のベンチャー企業をご紹介していきたいと思います。第1弾では宇宙ビジネスを理解するために業界の現状や分類などを説明しておりますので、まずは業界自体を理解したい方は、「宇宙ビジネス業界の現状をわかりやすく解説!」をご覧ください。宇宙ビジネスで注目の日本企業それでは宇宙ビジネスの各分野において注目を集めている日本企業をご紹介していきたいと思います。製造分野この分野はロケット、人工衛星、地上局などの製造を行います。最近では、小型ロケットや小型衛星の製造へ投資する企業が増加しています。アクセルスペースアクセルスペースは東京を拠点としている低コストかつ短期間で超小型人工衛星の開発に特化した宇宙系スタートアップ企業です。アクセルスペースの小型人工衛星は、地上600㎞の上空から地球上を日常的に監視することができるため広範囲で異常事態を検知することができるようです。さらには、衛星から得られたデータの解析・情報提供も行っている宇宙ビジネスで注目を浴びている企業の1つであります。  Axelspace 2 tweets39 users74 pocketsホームhttps://www.axelspace.comSpace within Your Reach  インターステラテクノロジズ2013年に創業をしたインターステラテクノロジズはアクセルスペースとは異なり、小型人工衛星の開発ではなく、小型ロケットの開発とその発射に取り組んでいます。また、IT起業家のホリエモンがスポンサーを務めていることでも話題となっています。また、小型ロケットだけではなく、低コストの液体燃料の開発にも挑戦していることで注目を集めています。  インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc. 249 tweets21 users104 pocketsインターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc.http://www.istellartech.com宇宙空間へ低コスト・オーダーメイドのロケット打ち上げサービスを提供します。宇宙圏に到達する観測用ロケットと小型衛星等を宇宙空間に運搬する軌道投入用ロケットを独自開発しています。  インフラ分野宇宙インフラは、地上のインフラと同様に、世界中の人々が利用するサービスの支えとなっている分野です。地上のインフラと同様、宇宙インフラも利便性、サービス、国家安全保障/防衛のために今後ますます重要になっていくでしょう。インフォステラ人工衛星に指示を与えることは複雑で1日に数回しかできないデメリットがありました。インフォステラは、衛星通信事業者にアンテナを共有してもらうことで、それを変革しようとしています。世界中のアンテナを接続し、1つのネットワークを作ることによって気象予報士から農家まで、誰もがいつでもどこでも、衛星に接続することができるように取り組んでいます。また、総務省によるICTイノベーション創出チャレンジプログラム(I-Challenge!)にも採択されてたことからさらに注目度が高まっている企業であります。  Infostellar 2 usersインフォステラは、クラウドベースの地上局アグリゲーターStellarStationの提供を…https://infostellar.net/infostellar-jpAdd a description for facebook  人工衛星の利用人工衛星の利用は、位置情報や気候変動などを調べるときに使われ、利用することにより地球上にあるサービス全体の向上などを目的に使われています。マゼランシステムジャパンマゼランシステムは高精度の衛星測位システムを提供している企業です。独自で開発した衛星測位システムによって、スマート農業、自動運転やドローンなどと幅広い分野に技術的に貢献している企業です。(衛星測位システムとは/マゼランシステムズ)  マゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えます 4 users9 pocketsマゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えますhttps://www.magellan.jpマゼランシステムズジャパンは、衛星受信モジュール開発のパイオニア企業です。  宇宙空間の利用宇宙空間の利用はその名の通り、地球にない環境の下でモノを作ることを表しています。例えば、雲や天候に影響されない太陽光発電のような地球上ではありえない環境でエネルギーの蓄積を行うことなどがあげられます。ペプチドリーム宇宙の無重力環境のおかげでタンパク質の精製の際に生じる水溶液成分の沈殿物や対流などが起き図、綺麗なたんぱく質が生成され、その構造の分析が容易となります。これに着目したのがペプチドリームです。現在、ペプチドリームは特殊ペプチド治療薬や低分子治療薬などの治療薬を提供しています、また、国際宇宙ステーション「きぼう」の日本実験棟での高品質タンパク質結晶生成実験にも取り組んでいます。  www.peptidream.com 1 tweet8 users16 pocketsPEPTIDREAM INC ペプチドリーム株式会社https://www.peptidream.comペプチドリーム株式会社は、 非標準のペプチド治療薬の発見と開発を目的とした東京大学発のバイオベンチャー企業です。 PeptiDream Inc is involved in the discovery and development of nonstandard peptide therapeutics.  宇宙探査宇宙探査は人類がロケットなどに乗車して宇宙探査を行う「有人宇宙探査」と人間の存在を必要としない探査機のみが宇宙へ行く「無人宇宙探査」の2種類に分かれます。PDエアロスペース自社で開発できたジェット燃焼とロケット燃焼を組み合わせた再利用可能な航空機型の宇宙輸送機の開発を行っている、宇宙旅行の成功を目的としている注目のベンチャー企業です。  pdas.co.jp 1 pocket宇宙機事業|事業内容|PDエアロスペース株式会社|民間主導の宇宙機開発。有人…https://pdas.co.jp/business01.htmlPDエアロスペース株式会社は民間主導の宇宙機開発を行い、有人機、無人機の完全再使用型の宇宙機を開発しています。  スペース・デブリスペース・デブリとは、「使用済みの衛星や衛星同士の衝突で発生したごみ」のことを言います。このスペース・デブリを除去する分野も宇宙ビジネスの重要分野の一つになります。アストロスケール2013年に設立されたアストロスケールは、宇宙空間に蓄積されるデブリの増加と危険性を軽減するために、アクティブなスペース・デブリの除去サービスを提供しています。その他にも、衛星やロケットがスペース・デブリと衝突しないためにその場での宇宙状況の確認もサービスの1つとして提供しております。  J-Startup 1 pocket株式会社アストロスケール | J-Startuphttps://www.j-startup.go.jp/startups/005_astrosocale_japan_inc.htmlアストロスケールは、宇宙機の安全航行の確保を目指し、スペースデブリ(宇宙ゴミ)除去サービスの開発に取り組む初の民間企業です。シンガポール本社創設(2013年)以来、 日本でのR&D拠点設立(2015年)、英国子会社の設立(2017年)等、グローバルに事業を展開しています。持続可能な宇宙利用の為、技術、ビジネスモデル、法規制といった複数の課題解決に取り組み、スペースデブリ除去・軌道上サービスの展開を目指しています。  【宇宙業界】日本で注目のベンチャー企業を分野別に紹介!まとめ前回と今回の宇宙ビジネス業界の注目ベンチャー企業に関する記事を通して、宇宙ビジネスへの関心がさらに深まれば幸いです。また、日本の宇宙ビジネス業界で働きたい外国人エンジニアの方は、是非、外国人ITエンジニアの転職エージェントGTalent(ジータレント)にご登録ください。プロのコンサルタントが無料で日本のテクノロジー企業への転職をご支援いたします。



Amazonギフト券5万円プレゼント!友人紹介キャンペーン日本語が話せてITの経験を持つ転職を検討している友人・知人をご紹介ください!ご紹介いただいたご友人がGTalentを利用して転職に成功した場合、ご紹介者にAmazonギフト券5万円分をプレゼントします!ご紹介の対象者以下の条件を満たす友人・知人の方が対象となります。日本国内に在住の外国籍の方日本語ができる方(JLPTでN3以上)ITエンジニアとしての経験や大学などでプログラミングを学んだ方日本語が話せてIT関連の経験を持つご友人・知人をご紹介ください!※すでにGTalentにご登録いただいている方は対象外となります。キャンペーン内容ご紹介していただいた友人がGTalentを利用して転職に成功したら紹介者にAmazonギフト券5万円分をプレゼントAmazonギフト券のプレゼントは、紹介者してくれた友人が転職先に入社をして1ヶ月を経過した日から1週間以内にメールでお送りいたします。 エントリー方法以下のエントリーフォームからご登録ください。友人紹介キャンペーンエントリーフォームご友人にGTalentから連絡が入ることを事前にお伝えください。ご友人のご紹介お待ちしております!


The Space Business Industry: World's Most Admired Japanese Ventures

We would like to introduce some of the Japanese venture companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business industry.The first part of this article explains the current state of the industry and its classification, so if you want to understand the industry first, please refer to the previous article, “The Space Business Industry and Current Situation“.Featured Japanese Companies in the Space BusinessWe would like to introduce Japanese companies that are attracting attention in various fields of the space business.Manufacturing FieldThis field involves the manufacture of rockets, satellites and ground stations. Recently, an increasing number of companies are investing in the production of small rockets and small satellites.AxelspaceAXELSPACE is a Tokyo-based space start-up company specializing in the development of low-cost, short-duration nano-satellites. AXELSPACE’s small satellites are capable of detecting a wide range of anomalies, as they can routinely monitor the Earth from 600 km above the ground. In addition, the company is one of the companies that are attracting attention in the space business, which also analyzes and provides information on the data obtained from satellites.  Axelspace 2 tweets39 users74 pocketsホームhttps://www.axelspace.comSpace within Your Reach  Interstellar TechnologiesUnlike Axelspace, Interstellar Technologies, which was founded in 2013, is not developing small satellites, but rather small rockets and their launching. The company is also sponsored by the IT entrepreneur “Horiemon”, which has become a hot topic. In addition to small rockets, the company is also attracting attention for its efforts to develop low-cost liquid fuels.  インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc. 249 tweets21 users104 pocketsインターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 – Interstellar Technologies Inc.http://www.istellartech.com宇宙空間へ低コスト・オーダーメイドのロケット打ち上げサービスを提供します。宇宙圏に到達する観測用ロケットと小型衛星等を宇宙空間に運搬する軌道投入用ロケットを独自開発しています。  Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is an area that supports the services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure will become increasingly important for convenience, services, and national security/defense in the future.InfostellarGiving instructions to satellites has been complicated and has the disadvantage of being able to do it only a few times a day.Infostellar is trying to change that by getting satellite operators to share their antennas.By connecting antennas around the world and creating one network, they are working to make it possible for everyone, from meteorologists to farmers, to be connected to a satellite anytime, anywhere. In addition, the fact that the company has been selected for the ICT innovation creation challenge program (I-Challenge!) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) makes it an increasingly popular company.  Infostellar 2 usersインフォステラは、クラウドベースの地上局アグリゲーターStellarStationの提供を…https://infostellar.net/infostellar-jpAdd a description for facebook  Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites is used to study things such as location and climate change, and their use is used to improve overall services on earth.Magellan Systems JapanMagellan Systems is a company that provides high-precision satellite positioning systems. Magellan Systems is a company that contributes technologically to a wide range of fields, such as smart agriculture, automated driving, and drones, with its self-developed satellite positioning system.(What is Satellite Positioning System /Magellan Systems)  マゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えます 4 users9 pocketsマゼランシステムズジャパン株式会社|cm級の高精度衛星測位技術で世界を変えますhttps://www.magellan.jpマゼランシステムズジャパンは、衛星受信モジュール開発のパイオニア企業です。  Use of SpaceThe use of space, as the name implies, represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, storing energy in an environment that is impossible on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather.PeptiDreamThanks to the zero-gravity environment of space, precipitation and condensation of aqueous components produced during the purification of proteins can occur, producing clean proteins and facilitating the analysis of their structure.This was the focus of PeptiDream. This was the inspiration for PeptiDream. Currently, PeptiDream provides treatments such as special peptide treatments and small-molecule treatments, and is also conducting high-quality protein crystal generation experiments in the Japanese Experiment Module of the International Space Station “Kibo”.  www.peptidream.com 1 tweet8 users16 pocketsPEPTIDREAM INC ペプチドリーム株式会社https://www.peptidream.comペプチドリーム株式会社は、 非標準のペプチド治療薬の発見と開発を目的とした東京大学発のバイオベンチャー企業です。 PeptiDream Inc is involved in the discovery and development of nonstandard peptide therapeutics.  Space ExplorationSpace exploration is divided into two types: Human Space Exploration, where humans board rockets and other vehicles for space exploration, and UAV Space Exploration, in which an aircraft without a human pilot onboard goes into space.PD AerospaceThe company is developing a reusable aircraft for space transportation, combining jet combustion and rocket combustion, which could be developed in-houseIt is a high-profile venture that aims to make space travel a success.  pdas.co.jp 1 pocket宇宙機事業|事業内容|PDエアロスペース株式会社|民間主導の宇宙機開発。有人…https://pdas.co.jp/business01.htmlPDエアロスペース株式会社は民間主導の宇宙機開発を行い、有人機、無人機の完全再使用型の宇宙機を開発しています。  Space DebrisSpace debris is “debris generated by used satellites or collisions between satellites”. Removing this space debris is another important area of the space business.AstroscaleFounded in 2013, AstroScale provides active space debris removal services to mitigate the growth and danger of debris accumulation in space. Other services include in-situ space status checks to ensure that satellites and rockets do not collide with space debris.  J-Startup 1 pocket株式会社アストロスケール | J-Startuphttps://www.j-startup.go.jp/startups/005_astrosocale_japan_inc.htmlアストロスケールは、宇宙機の安全航行の確保を目指し、スペースデブリ(宇宙ゴミ)除去サービスの開発に取り組む初の民間企業です。シンガポール本社創設(2013年)以来、 日本でのR&D拠点設立(2015年)、英国子会社の設立(2017年)等、グローバルに事業を展開しています。持続可能な宇宙利用の為、技術、ビジネスモデル、法規制といった複数の課題解決に取り組み、スペースデブリ除去・軌道上サービスの展開を目指しています。  ConclusionWe sincerely hope that our previous and current articles on hot ventures in the space business industry will further deepen your interest in the space business.Also, if you are a foreign IT engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with GTalent, the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers in Japan. Our professional consultants will help you find a job at a Japanese technology company for free.


The Space Business Industry and Current Situation

There has been a lot of business news about space lately.IHI has developed an engine for a small artificial satellite at a third of its original price; Amazon is planning to launch 3,000 satellites; SpaceX is planning to launch more than 10,000 satellites, and so on. Major companies and venture capitalists from the United States, China, and other countries around the world have entered the space business and are investing heavily in it, making it more exciting than ever.In this article, we will provide an easy-to-understand explanation of the current state of the global space industry and its various fields for those who are new to the industry. The article is also available in Japanese: 宇宙ビジネス業界の現状をわかりやすく解説!.The Space Business FieldWhen you think of the space business, rockets are probably the first thing that comes to mind. However, the space business actually includes a wide range of fields other than rockets.What is space business?The business of launching and operating satellites and utilizing data for commercial purposes in space. The space business is a general term for businesses related to space, including companies that provide services such as satellite broadcasting, communications, and satellite data utilization for commercial purposes, as well as the space industry related to infrastructure, such as the manufacture of rockets and satellite equipment and facilities for the military, which is supported by government demand.Reference:Kotobank / What is the Space Business?In addition to rockets, the space business encompasses many other areas, including using satellite data to improve services on the ground. Also, the space business has been especially booming in recent years.Next, I’d like to explain why this industry is now so active.Why is the Space Business so popular right now?On May 30 (local time), the spacecraft “Crew Dragon” of the U.S. SpaceX was successfully launched and docked to the space station on May 31.You can watch the whole process from launch to docking on YouTube and other sites, but watching the touch screen installed in the Crew Dragon’s cabin and the two astronauts changing from their spacesuits to polo shirts and chinos along the way, it seemed like the threshold for space travel had been lowered.Reference: WEDGEInfinity / Why is the Space Business so popular right now?Compared to a few years ago, space has become more accessible, with private companies being able to successfully launch manned rockets into space.With the announcement by the U.S. company Amazon plans to launch 3,000 satellites for communications services and SpaceX plans to launch more than 10,000 satellites for communications as well, companies from other countries are expected to join the rush of launches by these two major companies.In addition to the growing demand for small satellites for sensing from space, the cost of launching small rockets, which have a shorter lifespan than conventional rockets, has decreased and the frequency of launches has increased, which is one of the major factors boosting the space business.However, various problems have arisen in this business.For example, how to collect Space Debris?(Garbage generated by used satellites and collisions between satellites)Businesses related to space debris are also receiving a great deal of attention, with a number of leading ventures recently emerging to solve this problem.In the next section, I would like to categorize the space business and explain each category in detail.Classification of the Space BusinessIn this explanation, we have divided the space business industry into three categories.Three categories of Space BusinessManufacturing & InfrastructureSpace UtilizationSpace ResearchI’d like to explain each of these with an industry map.Manufacturing & InfrastructureManufacturing FieldThis field manufactures rockets, satellites and ground stations. The field of manufacturing of small rockets and small satellites has been attracting a lot of investment recently.Infrastructure FieldSpace infrastructure, like terrestrial infrastructure, is the invisible backbone of services used by people around the world. Like terrestrial infrastructure, space infrastructure is an area that will become increasingly important in the future for convenience, services, and national security and defense. Space UtilizationThe utilization of space can be divided into two categories: the use of satellites and the use of space.Use of SatellitesThe use of satellites refers to the use of satellites to study location information and climate change. In other words, satellites at this time are used to improve services on earth.Use of SpaceAs the name implies, the use of space represents making things in an environment that does not exist on Earth. For example, it means storing energy in an environment that cannot exist on Earth, such as solar power, which is not affected by clouds or weather. Space ResearchThe goal of this field is to help humans enter space.There are two main types of space exploration: manned space exploration, in which humans board rockets and other vehicles to explore space, and unmanned space exploration, in which only a spacecraft goes into space without a human presence.Unlike manufacturing/infrastructure and space utilization, this is an area of space business where the goal is not to improve services on Earth, but to expand the scope of activities into space. ConclusionIn this article, we have introduced the concept of the space business and its constituent fields. In the next article, we would like to give you detailed information about each field and introduce you to some representative companies in each area.If you are a foreign engineer looking for a job in the Japanese space industry, please register with G Talent , the leading recruitment agency for foreign IT engineers. Our professional consultants will help you find a job in the Japanese Space Business for free.


Asking questions to non-Japanese IT engineers Vol.1

The IT sector in Japan continues to expand, however, it is still predicted that in the year 2030, there will be a shortage of IT engineers with 420,000 to 790,000. Recently, the number of companies which recruit foreign IT engineers is increasing. In a competitive situation, they strive to hire talented engineers. But, how is it like to work as an IT engineer in Japan?We asked 100 Foreign IT Engineers about their experience, their main concerns, what makes them feel supported by their employers, and what kind of companies they want to work for.Main ConcernsYour first job as an IT engineer in Japan starts off exciting. Maybe working in Japan was your dream, but after a few weeks, the downsides of the job start getting to you. GTalent conducted a survey and realized that foreigners found negative aspects of working in Japan that made them consider changing jobs. The most reoccurring ones are shown in the chart below:Career Path is UnclearThis was the most common concern among IT engineers who are currently working in Japan. This makes them feel unsure about where they are going in life and it’s difficult to set meaningful work goals, also, it is easy to become demotivated and disinterested in the job. By changing jobs to a company that supports your career, you will be able to find motivation and be eager to add value to the company.Training and Education System is not SubstantialThe importance of adequate employee training can severely impact team morale. Strong development and career progression opportunities are considered among the most compelling and yet, seems to be a common concern for IT engineers in Japan who want to work with the latest technology.The lack of training of IT engineers might lead to poor job performance and increased levels of work-related stress.Can’t Get Rewards According to their Abilities and EvaluationA feature of the Japanese pay system is that many companies employ on a “seniority-based system,” whereby salaries are increased in nearly direct proportion to age and the years of service. While this evaluation system has been changing over the years in many Japanese companies, some IT engineers in Japan still face this problem, where their age sometimes plays an important role in salary increases.What Makes Them Be Satisfied with Their Workplace?Many companies in Japan want to leverage their foreign employees’ strengths and use their unique perspectives as an advantage. It’s good to keep in mind the positive aspects that motivate foreign employees.Use of Japanese Language in the WorkplaceMany foreigners with Japanese skills prefer to work in a full Japanese environment to improve their language skills. This seems to be an important factor to those who wish to fully immerse in Japanese culture.A Full Implemented System for Accepting ForeignersMany foreigners prefer to work in an inclusive company, in which Japanese and foreign staff can work in a comfortable environment. This also means that companies need better systems and programs to help foreign workers learn the Japanese language and integrate different cultures into the company smoothly.Support from their SurroundingsCreating relations that go beyond the working environment is fundamental for many IT engineers in Japan. Of course, communication can be hard, especially at the beginning, since you might not be able to speak Japanese, that’s why many foreigners appreciate the support from their colleagues and bosses.What is the Most Important Factor for Different Cultures?We separated our candidates into 4 main areas: Western World, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia.Western WorldWestern Candidates stated that 3 factors were equally important. Comparing with other cultures western candidates emphasized the importance of Work-life Balance.South AsiaFor South Asian cultures, many candidates considered important the relationship with their colleagues and bosses. It seems that mutual support in the working environment is highly appreciated. oSoutheast AsiaSoutheast Asians made emphasis on wanting to work while using their Japanese language skills. The opportunity to get to blend with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture through the language is an important reason for choosing a company.East AsiaEast Asian IT engineers are also looking for a Japanese working environment where they can make use of their Japanese language skills. While they also aim to work on a company that has implemented a system for hiring foreigners, they as well want to work with the best talent. Working with skilled engineers who are experts at their job improves business productivity, which leads to improving workplace relations, as they will be able to get on with the job and work harmoniously with their colleagues.What Do Japanese Companies Should Do in Order for Foreigners to Play an Active Role?IT engineers from different cultures agreed that Japanese companies should be more open to the international community and take the initiative to promote diversity in the workplace. In addition, they should adjust the work-styles to more flexible ones and improve the Work-life balance.As we mentioned above, many foreigners are looking forward to getting along with the locals and get to know more about Japanese culture, so a Japanese language education is a benefit that foreign workers would appreciate having.As for foreign IT engineers, technology is an important aspect to consider when changing jobs, so a company that uses the latest technology and takes new business and technology challenges seems to be more appealing and would attract skilled IT engineers.ConclusionOverall, the results of this survey have shown that many foreign IT engineers are looking for more inclusive workplaces. A company that promotes diversity and understands the difference between cultures with an open approach can contribute to creating a better workplace where the employees can thrive and improve productivity.If you are a foreign IT engineer and you are thinking about changing jobs in Japan, please register to G Talent. G Talent is a recruitment agency specialized in foreign IT engineers, we work with start-ups and large companies that are eager to hire skilled foreign IT talent.


Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with 50,000 yen Amazon Gift Card !

Refer-a-friend Incentive Campaign with Amazon Gift Card 50,000 yen!Please refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!If your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!Available conditionsYour friends and acquaintances who meet the following conditions are available!Foreigners living in Japan.Those who can speak Japanese(More than JLPT N3 level).IT Engineer and Those who studied programming at universitiesPlease refer your friends and acquaintances who are speaking Japanese and are considering changing jobs with IT experience!※Those who have already registered with G Talent are not eligible.IncentiveIf your friend successfully do job change with using G Talent, you will receive a 50,000 yen Amazon gift card!You will get an email with Amazon gift card within one week from the day one month has passed since the friend who joined the new job.Campaign DeadlineRegistration by June 30, 2020*You can get the incentive even if the friend who you refer to us change job after the deadline.EntryPlease register below!Refer-a-Friend Incentive Campaign Entry FormPlease let your friend who you refer to us know in advance that he/she will be contacted by G Talent.We look forward to introducing your friends!


How to Open a Bank Account in Japan and Recommended Banks

When a foreigner finds a job in the land of the rising sun and begins to live there, there are some difficult situations that they might face, such as finding a place to live or applying for a visa. Among them opening a bank account too.Therefore, in this article, we would like to introduce you how to open a bank account in Japan, the necessary documentation, recommended banks, etc.There are cases where part-timers receive salaries by hand, but when working as a full-time employee (Seishain), it is common to transfer the salary to a bank account. In addition to receiving the salary, the payment of public services such as rent, the electricity bill, and the water bill is generally withdrawn from a bank account too. Also, depending on the bank where you have opened an account, some ATMs are able to send money abroad.We hope this article will help those living in Japan to open a bank account that suits them better.Conditions for Foreigners to Open Bank Accounts in JapanWhen foreigners open a bank account in Japan, need a residence card “Zairyu-card” and residence certificate “Zyuminhyo“. If you are a foreigner whose visa expiration is less than 90 days such as tourist visa and your stay period is less than 90 days, you can’t obtain a residence card or a residence certificate. Therefore, if you have a residence period of less than 3 months and a residence card is not issued, you will not able to open a bank account in Japan.Besides, people with a period of stay is fewer than 6 months are considered to be non-residents, so they can create non-resident yen deposit accounts “Hi-kyojusha-yen-yokin-kouza“, but cannot create normal saving accounts “Futsuu-yokin-kouza“ that can be remitted to foreign countries.* Some banks, such as Japan Post Bank, may create a normal saving account even if the stay period is 3 months to less than 6 months.Difference between “Hi-kyojusha-yen-yokin-kouza” and “Futsuu-yokin-kouza“Different from normal saving accounts “Futsuu-yokin-kouza“, overseas remittances are restricted for non-resident Yen deposit accounts “Hi-kyojusha-yen-yokin-kouza“. Also, when you pay rent or pay the amount you used with a credit card, these payments are normally withdrawn from a normal saving account. Non-resident Yen deposit account can’t do that. Non-resident Yen deposit accounts have only the minimum functionality of depositing money and withdrawing money from ATMs.What you need to open a Bank AccountA foreigner can legally open a bank account if he/she matches the requirements mentioned above.From now on, we would like to introduce to you what is generally needed when applying to open a bank account in Japan.Nevertheless, some banks ask for additional requirements, so be sure to confirm them before opening an account by yourself.Documents Proving the AddressAs a foreigner, you need to prove your permission to stay in Japan, so please bring your valid residence card and passport. Also, it is recommended to bring your health insurance card, special permanent resident certificate, driver’s license (if you have one), student ID, and employee ID just in case.Address ConfirmationIt is necessary to show your residence certificate “Zyuminhyo” or a utility bill (gas, electricity, water, NHK, landline, etc.) to demonstrate that you live at the address indicated in the documents presented.※Generally, mobile phones, and smartphones invoices cannot be used as certificates.Personal Seal (Inkan)Inkan is one of the oldest cultures in Japan. In overseas, it’s common to write a signature by hand at important contracts, but in Japan, the use of seals is the most traditional way to do it than writing a signature.Recently, some banks, such as Mitsubishi UFJ Bank and Resona Bank, have removed the seal from their requirements to open a bank account, but many banks still require a seal to open an account.Since there are many cases where you need an Inkan not only when opening a bank account but also when signing an important contract like a housing contract, we recommend you should make your Inkan with Katakana or Alphabet.Phone number that can be contactedThe bank will need a phone number to keep in touch with you. You can tell them your cell phone number.Recommended Banks for ForeignersWe would like to introduce some recommended banks for foreigners who want to open a bank account in Japan. Apart from these, there are still many banks in Japan, but this time we will focus on some of the major banks in Japan.Major banks in Japan tend to have ATMs across the country, which is very convenient for the consumer.Name of BankReason for RecommendationBank’s WebsiteJapan Post BankIt is a bank with about 24,000 bank tellers and 32,000 ATMs nationwide.If you stayed in Japan for more than 3 months, you can open a savings account.Using Japan Post Bank’s ATM, no fee will be charged even on Saturdays and Sundays.Japan Post BankMUFG BankBeing one of the major banks in Japan, it is a bank with high credibility and stability.No inkan required when opening an account.As of 2017, there are about 77,000 ATMs nationwide. (the number include alliance financial institutions, Seven Bank, and Lawson Bank ATM)MUFG BankMizuho BankRemittances to foreign countries, domestic denominated foreign currency remittances, and non-resident yen remittances are possible.It is one of the major banks in Japan and has approximately 800 branches and 50,000 ATMs nationwide. (the number of units includes affiliates financial institutions, Seven Bank, Lawson Bank ATM)There are 120 bases in about 40 countries and regions.Mizuho BankResona BankNo inkan required when opening an account.It takes 1-2 weeks to open an account if the solicitation was sent by post and about 30 minutes at the bank tellers.There are about 5,000 ATMs in Japan.ATM fees for Resona Holdings banks (Resona Bank, Saitama Resona Bank, Kansai Mirai Bank, Minato Bank) are free.Resona BankIn most cases, the homepage of each bank contains the documents necessary for opening an account, so if there is a bank of interest, please check the information on the homepage.ConclusionAs mentioned above, in Japan, most payments such as salaries, rents, utility bills, etc. are made to or withdrawn from a bank account. Possession of a bank account is important for living in Japan, so check the website of the bank that you are interested in beforehand and prepare the necessary requirements in advance.



外国人が日本で仕事を見つけ、生活を始める時に、住宅探しやビザ申請など外国人にとって難しいことがたくさんあると思います。その中でも、今回の記事では銀行口座の開設方法や必要なもの、オススメの銀行などをご紹介したいと思います。※こちらの記事を英語でご覧になりたい方は、こちら(English Here!)になります。アルバイトなどは給与を手渡しで受け取るケースもありますが、社員として働いている場合は銀行口座への振り込みが一般的です。給与の受け取りの他に、家賃や電気代、水道代のような光熱費のお支払いも基本的には口座からの引き落としになります。また、銀行にもよりますが、ATMなどから海外への送金が可能なものもあります。今回の記事を通して、これから日本で生活をする方がスムーズに自分に合う銀行口座を開設する手助けになれると幸いです。外国人が日本で銀行口座を開設する条件外国人の方が日本で口座を開設するには、在留カードや住民票が必要になリます。90日以下の観光ビザなど在留期間が3ヶ月未満の方は在留カードが発行されず、住民票が取得できません。そのため、在留期間が3ヶ月未満の方で在留カードが発行されない方は必然的に日本で銀行口座を開設することができません。また、在留期間が6ヶ月未満の方は非居住者と見なされる状態のため、非居住者円預金の口座は作れますが、外国に送金ができる一般的な普通口座を作ることができません。※ゆうちょ銀行など一部の銀行では在留期間が3ヶ月以上であれば、6ヶ月未満でも普通口座を作れます。非居住者円預金口座と普通口座の違い普通口座と違い、非居住者円預金口座の場合は海外の送金が制限されます。また、家賃の支払いやクレジットカードで使った金額を支払うとき、一般的には口座から引き落としをされますが、非居住者円預金口座はそのような口座の引き落としの対応もしていません。その他にも、普通口座ではできる一般的なものが非居住者円預金口座ではできません。非居住者円預金口座は、お金を預け、ATMからお金を下ろすことくらいの最低限の機能しかありません。銀行口座の開設に必要なもの先ほど挙げた条件を満たしていれば、法律上銀行口座を開設することは可能です。これからは日本で銀行口座の開設を申請するときに、一般的に必要なものをご紹介していきたいと思います。ただし、銀行によっては追加で必要なものもあるため、実際に口座を開設するときは事前に銀行へ確認をするようにしましょう。身分を証明するもの外国人である場合、在日の許可を証明する必要があるため、有効期限内の在留カードとパスポートを持参しましょう。その他に、健康保険、特別永住者証明書、運転免許証(取得した場合)、学生証や社員証も念のために持つことをお勧めします。住所の確認が取れるもの提出書類に記載されている住所で生活されていることを証明するために、住民票、公共料金(ガス、電気、水道、NHK、固定電話、など)の請求書や領収書の提示が必要です。※携帯電話やスマートフォンの請求書は一般的に証明書として利用できません。印鑑日本の文化である印鑑がここで登場します。海外では重要な契約時に手書きでサインをすることが主流ではありますが、日本では印鑑の使用が圧倒的に多いです。最近では、三菱UFJ銀行やりそな銀行のように、口座を開設する際の必要なものから印鑑を外した銀行もありますが、まだまだ印鑑が必要な銀行もたくさんあります。作るのは面倒な印鑑ですが、銀行口座の開設時だけではなく、住宅を契約するときなど重要な契約を結ぶときに印鑑が必要になるケースがあります。印鑑の文字はカタカナやローマ字でも作ることは可能ですのでこれを機会に印鑑を作ることをオススメします。連絡が取れる電話番号銀行と常に連絡が取れる電話番号が必要になります。携帯電話などで大丈夫です。外国人のおすすめの銀行これから日本で銀行の口座を開きたい外国人の方々向けに、おすすめの銀行をご紹介したいと思います。今回ご紹介する以外にも銀行やたくさんありますが、今回は大手の銀行を中心に紹介しています。日本のどこでもATMや支店があるため、大きい銀行の方が色んな場面で便利です。銀行名おすすめ理由各銀行のWebサイトゆうちょ銀行全国で約2万4千の窓口と3万2千のATMを所持する銀行です。日本での滞在期間が3ヶ月以上であれば普通口座の開設ができます。ゆうちょ銀行のATMを利用する場合には土日でも手数料がかかりません。ゆうちょ銀行三菱UFJ銀行日本最大手の銀行であるため、信憑性と安定性がとても高い銀行です。口座開設時に印鑑は不要です全国でのATMは約7万7千台を所持しています。(2017年時点、提携金融機関・セブン銀行・ローソン銀行ATMを含む台数)三菱UFJ銀行みずほ銀行外国への送金、国内あて外貨建送金・非居住者円建送金が可能です。大手銀行の1つであり、全国にに約800の支店と約5万台のATMを所持します。(提携金融機関・セブン銀行・ローソン銀行ATMを含む台数)海外では約40の国・地域に120拠点があります。みずほ銀行りそな銀行口座開設の際には印鑑が不要です。口座開設まで郵送の場合は1~2週間、店舗の場合は約30分の所要時間です。ATMは国内で約5千の拠点があります。りそなグループ4銀行(りそな銀行・埼玉りそな銀行、関西みらい銀行・みなと銀行)のATMの手数料は無料。りそな銀行各銀行のホームページには口座開設時に必要な書類が記載されているケースがほとんどですので、気になる銀行があればホームページで情報をチェックしてみて下さい。まとめ今回、ご紹介させていただいた、日本の銀行で口座を開く際に必要なものについての記事はいかがでしたか。上記に述べた通り、日本では、給与、家賃、光熱費、などのお支払いのほとんどは口座への振り込みや口座からの引き落としになります。日本で生活を送る上で銀行口座の所持は重要となりますので、事前に気になる銀行のホームページなどはチェックして、必要なもの等は事前に準備しておきましょう。


Public Holidays in Japan 2020 Compared with Overseas

It is often said that “Japanese people work too much,” but are there really fewer holidays apart weekends in Japan compared to overseas? In this article, we would like to explain the Japanese public holidays of 2020 to foreigners working or wanting to work in Japan.Many people have the impression that who works in Japan work a lot and often work overtime. But what is the actual situation? we will talk about Japanese holidays in comparison with the situation in other countries, so please refer to it.Countries with more Public Holidays around the WorldFirst, let’s look at the countries with the most amount of holidays around the world.Below are some of the most holiday-filled countries in the world, along with their representative names.Thailand (23 Public Holidays)In Thailand, consumption of alcohol is prohibited on Buddhist-related holidays and election days.for example, on March 6 the Buddha’s birthday is celebrated, therefore the consumption of alcohol on that day is not allowed.May 1st: National Labor DayMay 4th: Coronation DayMay 6th: Wisakha Bucha DayChina (21 Public Holidays)In China per year, they have 3 consecutive holidays. In May they have consecutive holidays for up to 5 days. Also, they have 10 consecutive holidays from January 24 to February 2, which they call “spring festival”, there is also the “mid-autumn festival” which is made up of 8 consecutive holidays. Another well-known holiday is “Labor Day”, which lasts from May 1st to 5th of the same month.Korea (17 Public Holidays)Here are some well-known public holidays in Korea.April 30th: Budda’s BirthdayMay 1st: Labor DayMay 5th: Children’s DayIndia (17 Public Holidays)April 6th: Mahavir Jayanti (Birth of Lord Mahavira, who’s the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism)April 10th: Good Friday (The day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ)May 7th: Buddha Purnima (Buddha’s birthday)May 25th: Id-ul-Fitr (Also called the “Festival of Breaking the Fast”)Colombia (17 Public Holidays)April 5th: Palm Sunday (Celebration for honoring Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem)April 9th: Holy Thursday (The day when Christians commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles)April 10th: Good Friday (The day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ)April 12th: Easter also called Resurrection Day (Christian festival which celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ)May 1st: Labor DayMay 25th: The Ascension Day or Holy Thursday (The Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ)Reference: Countries with the most Public Holidays around the WorldTranslated from Japanese to English by GtalentThailand is the country with the most amount of holidays in the world with 23 holidays per year. Then, with just 2 days of difference, China takes second place. Korea, India, and Colombia, which have about 17 days of public holidays, follow in 3rd place, but Japan is also in 3rd place with the same number of holidays as these 3 countries.Also, when there are consecutive public holidays in China, such as the New Year holidays, the previous Saturday will be lost due to public holidays. Compared to this, Japan weekends are considered as rest despite consecutive holidays, so in fact, Japan has more holidays than other countries.Japan’s 2020 Public HolidaysDo you know when Japanese public holidays are this year?From now on, we would like to explain about Japanese public holidays in 2020, including the meaning and origin of why that day became a holiday.Public Holidays in Spring (March to May)Let’s take a look at the public holidays on “Spring”, the season when cherry blossoms are famous in Japan. In Japan, there are consecutive holidays in early May. This holiday is called “Golden Week” because it is a long holiday due to consecutive weekends.DateName of the HolidayMeaning of the Holiday3/20Vernal equinox dayThe day when the length of the night and the day are the same4/29Showa dayThe day when people honor the birthday of Emperor Hirohito, the reigning emperor before, during and after World War II5/3Constitution memorial dayThe day in which the 1947 enactment of the Constitution of Japan is commemorated5/4Greenery dayThe day when is celebrated the birthday of the emperor Showa5/5Children’s dayThe day set aside to respect children’s personalities and to celebrate their happiness5/6Observed HolidayConstitution memorial day observedPublic Holidays in Summer (June to August)Next, let’s take a look at the Japanese public holidays in summer, where many fireworks festivals and festivals are held.DateName of the HolidayMeaning of the Holiday7/23Marine day also know as Ocean dayThe day to show appreciation for the oceans7/24National Sports day (old name: Physical Education Day)A holiday commemorating the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games8/10Mountain dayThe day to honor and give thanks to the blessings of the mountains※”Physical Education Day” has been the second Monday of October so far, and the day when it is celebrated will not change even after being renamed to “National Sports Day”.However, only due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, July 24 will be the National Sports Day.※Mountain Day was originally a holiday celebrated on August 11, but like the National Sports Day, this holiday has been moved to another day due to the Tokyo Olympics. But from 2021 the holiday will return to its previous date.Public Holidays in Autumn (September to November)“Autumn” in Japan is a climatically comfortable season. It is also recognized overseas as an owner of delicious seasonal food and beautiful scenery colorfully colored with autumn leaves.The public holidays of this season are listed belowPublic Holidays in Winter (December to February)It’s the last season, but it doesn’t mean they’re not public holidays in it. The table below summarizes public holidays in the “Winter” of Japan.Also, there is a website where the Cabinet Office provides information about Japanese holidays, so please check it out.ConclusionFrom an overseas perspective, the image of “Japanese people overworking” might be established, but this is not because there are not so many holidays. It might be because the number of used paid holidays in Japan are extremely low compared to other countries.In recent years, many companies have been able to use paid holidays and reduce overtime hours by promoting this work style. It is not so far till Japan reaches the point where the rate of using paid holidays became similar as overseas countries do, and Japan, which has many holidays, may become one of the countries with the most holidays in the world.It would be great if you could read the article about Japanese holidays that we introduced earlier this time and become more interested in Japanese culture.DateName of the HolidayMeaning of the HolidayDateName of the HolidayMeaning of the Holiday9/21Respect for the aged dayA day celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens9/22Autumn equinox dayThe day when the length of the night and the day are the same11/3Culture dayA public holiday held with the purpose to promote culture, arts, and academic endeavor11/23Labor Thanksgiving DayA public holiday held to commemorate labor and production and give one other thanks.1/1New Year’s DayThe day when people celebrate the beginning of a new year1/13Coming of Age DayThe day when Japanese youth officially become adults2/11National Foundation DayThe day when is celebrated the mythological foundation of Japan and the accession of its first emperor, Emperor Jimmu2/23Emperor’s BirhtdayThe day when in celebrated the birthday of the Emperor Naruhito2/24Observed HolidayEmperor’s Birthday Observed